Type | Name | Comment |
SdaiModel | modelId | A numeric modelID that uniquely identifies the data model of interest in the EDMdatabase . The modelID is returned from the functions: sdaiCreateModel , sdaiCreateModelBN , sdaiOpenModelBN , edmiGetModel , edmiGetModelBN , sdaiGetInstanceModel |
SdaiString | entityName | Specifies the name of the entity that defines the actual instance type to query. Entity names are case insensitive. |
SdaiString | condition | Specifies the condition the target instances should match. All instances in the specified aggregate match an empty condition, i.e., <condition> = NULL. All legal symbolic Express-X logical expressions are a legal <condition> value. This <condition> argument will be compiled by the EDMexpressXCompiler |
SdaiInteger | options | Specifies the options to be used in the invocation of the edmiSelectInstancesBN function. The <condition> <options> value can be specified as a bitwise OR between the actual options to enable. All option names are defined on the header file sdai.h . See detailed descriptions of the available options below. |
SdaiInteger | maxBufferSize | Specifies the size (in number of bytes) of the buffer to receive the instanceID of the matching instances. The actual number of returned matching instances will never be greater than the number of instanceID that can be placed in a buffer of the size specified by this argument. |
SdaiInteger | index |
SdaiInteger | numberOfHits |
SdaiInstance | resultBuffer | Address of a buffer in the calling application that will receive the instanceID of each returned matching instance. This buffer is mapped to a SdaiInstance array when the instanceID of each returned matching instance is stored. The <maxBufferSize> argument should prevent the function to write past buffer. |