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#05 20170831

More extension schema rules:


  • EESR #22: A name of an ENTITY_ EXTENSION declaration must only be unique in the collection of all  ENTITY_EXTENSION declarations in the actual extension schema. (22)
  • EESR #23: There must be only one ENTITY_ EXTENSION declaration for the same entity in one extension schema


We can discuss how many of the ”extension schema rules checking”  we implement in the compiler and how many we implement in the edmCloseExtensionSchemaCompilerModel() (similar as edmCloseCompilerModel()).



Note #22

Technically there is no problem to allow an ENTITY_EXTENSION name to have the same name as other declarations (ENTITY, TYPE, FUNCTION …etc), but for “readability” we may not permit it.

Note #23

With the use of SUBTYPES declaration, there may be implicitly more than one ENTITY_ EXTENSION that extends the same entity:


     ENTITY_EXTENSION Extend_ifcWindow  FOR ifcWindow;
     ENTITY_EXTENSION Extend_ifcRoot FOR SUBTYPES ifcRoot;

In this example, both the  Extend_ifcWindow (explicitly) and Extend_ifcRoot (implicitly) will extend the ifcWindow entity.



#04 20170830


                Da Ehsan allerede har ”laget” et extension schema (EXPRESS_EXTENSION_SCHEMA AP239_ARM_LF_EPM_EXTENSION FOR AP239_PRODUCT_LIFE_CYCLE_SUPPORT_ARM_LF;)  og Ernest skal gå igang med å lage et IFC4 extension schema for WorkOrder(?), er det viktig at vi fryser ”syntax og funksjonalitet” asap. Så fint med din tilbakemelding så snart som mulig.


EXPRESS_EXTENSION_SCHEMA   extensionSchemaName FOR expressSchemaName;  or optional

EXPRESS_EXTENSION_SCHEMA   extensionSchemaName {‘GUUID’} FOR expressSchemaName;


The reason for the optional GUUID is to be able to track/label one particular version of an extension schema  and population(data).

Example:  exporting a population including “extension schema data” on a step file package. When importing such step file package, the GUUID is used to ensure that the extension schemata in the importing DB is exactly the same as in the exporting DB. There will be an option in write/read step file package to include exporting/defining of the extension schemata.


ENTITY declarations in an extension schema have the same syntax as in an Express schema except the following:

     Declarations not supported:  UNIQUE , WHERE


    New features:

           Allow GENERIC_ENTITY as domain for all attribute types.


   Extension for inverse attributes:

          ALL_LOCAL_REFS_TO_ME                        : SET OF  GENERIC_ENTITY;   -- no “ FOR ‘attributeName’ “

          ALL_CROSS_MODEL_REFS_TO_ME      : SET OF  GENERIC_ENTITY;  -- no “ FOR ‘attributeName’ “


The ENTITY_EXTENSION – END_ENTITY_EXTENSION as earlier agreed,  plus the same extensions for attribute declarations as for ENTITY.

           ENTITY_ EXTENSION FOR ‘entity_extension_name’ FOR ‘expressEntityName’;

           ENTITY_ EXTENSION FOR ‘entity_extension_name’ FOR SUBTYPES ‘expressEntityName’;


The following Express declarations are supported:

       TYPE  -  without the WHERE

       ENTITY – with the above listed restrictions and extensions

       Subtype_constraint – to be decided???





The following Express declarations are not supported:


     RULE    (Rules can be written in separate RULE_SCHEMA)



New tokens (reserved words):



Compiler checking

In addition to the “standard compilation time checking” during  defining (compilation)  of an extension schema, the following will be checked:


1)      NumberOfExtensionSchema for ExpressSchema  <  MAX_EXTENSION_SCHEMATA for an Express schema

2)      ExtensionSchema name  already exist for the particular Express schema

3)      All ENTITY names must be unique in the collection of Express schema and all extension schemata for the actual Express schema.

4)In addition to the rule in the Express language for “unique attribute names in an Entity declaration” , attribute names must be unique in the collection of all ENTITY_EXTENSION for a particular entity in all extension schemata for the actual Express schema.

The ALL_CROSS_MODEL_REFS_TO_ME and ALL_LOCAL_REFS_TO_ME are exceptions to this constraint. When a combination of extension schemata results in more duplicates of these attributes, this “problem” will be resolved when the actual model will be created, such that the actual entity instances will have only one occurrence of each of these attributes;


Syntax 0.3


    ENTITY_EXTENSION extToIfcxx1 FOR  ifcxx1;
       (* Attribute name must be unique within the extended entity (ifcxx1), may be same as
          attribute names in super type Entity. When so, this extended attribute must be
          accessed by name using "full qualified attribute name".
          The attribute domains can be any domain in the actual schema or domain (instance type)
          defined in the current extension schema
       extendedExplicitAttr1 : STRING;           -- any simple data type can be used, not defined types
       extendedExplicitAttr2 : GENERIC_ENTITY;   --sdaiINSTANCE of any type. can be used as link to instance in any other model.
       extendedExplicitAttr3 : SET OF GENERIC_ENTITY;
       ALL_CROSS_MODEL_REFERENCES_TO_ME : SET OF GENERIC_ENTITY;  -- reserved name, keeps all references from other models
       extendedInverseAttr : SET OF GENERIC_ENTITY FOR (entityx.explicitAttr1, entityx.explicitAttr2, ...entityz.explicitAttr5);

       (* same as ENTITY_EXTENSION except that all extensions will be valid for all subtypes of the extended entity, i.e., all subtypes of ifcxx2 *)
       extendedExplicitAttr1 : STRING;           -- any simple data type can be used, not defined types
       extendedExplicitAttr2 : GENERIC_ENTITY;   --sdaiINSTANCE of any type. can be used as link to instance in any other model.
       extendedExplicitAttr3 : SET OF GENERIC_ENTITY;
       ALL_CROSS_MODEL_REFERENCES_TO_ME : SET OF GENERIC_ENTITY;  -- reserved name, keeps all references from other models
       extendedInverseAttr : SET OF GENERIC_ENTITY FOR (entityx.explicitAttr1, entityx.explicitAttr2, ...entityz.explicitAttr5);
    ENTITY_EXTENSION  name; -- no FOR clause means it is a "new" entity
        explicitAttr1 : INTEGER;
        explicitAttr2 : GENERIC_ENTITY;
        -- ........
        -- .......
        ALL_CROSS_MODEL_REFERENCES_TO_ME : SET OF GENERIC_ENTITY;  -- reserved name, keeps all references from other models

    ENTITY_EXTENSION name SUBTYPE OF (FOR entity1, entity2, ... entityN);  -- subtype of any entity in main schema (FOR xxx) or "extended entity" in schema
        explicitAttr1 : INTEGER;
        explicitAttr2 : GENERIC_ENTITY;
        -- ........
        -- .......
        ALL_CROSS_MODEL_REFERENCES_TO_ME : SET OF GENERIC_ENTITY;  -- reserved name, keeps all references from other models




ExtensionSchema 0.1

    EXTEND_ENTITY   ifcxx1;
       (* Attribute name must be unique within the extended entity (ifcxx1), may be same as
          attribute names in super type Entity. When so, this extended attribute must be
          accessed by name using "full qualified attribute name".
          The attribute domains can be any domain in the actual schema or domain (instance type)
          defined in the current extension schema
       extendedExplicitAttr1 : STRING;           -- any simple data type can be used, not defined types
       extendedExplicitAttr2 : GENERIC_ENTITY;   --sdaiINSTANCE of any type. can be used as link to instance in any other model.
       extendedExplicitAttr3 : SET OF GENERIC_ENTITY;
       ALL_CROSS_MODEL_REFERENCES_TO_ME : SET OF GENERIC_ENTITY;  -- reserved name, keeps all references from other models
       extendedInverseAttr : SET OF GENERIC_ENTITY FOR (entityx.explicitAttr1, entityx.explicitAttr2, ...entityz.explicitAttr5);

       (* same as EXTEND_ENTITY except that all extensions will be valid for all subtypes of the extended entity, i.e., all subtypes of ifcxx2 *)
       extendedExplicitAttr1 : STRING;           -- any simple data type can be used, not defined types
       extendedExplicitAttr2 : GENERIC_ENTITY;   --sdaiINSTANCE of any type. can be used as link to instance in any other model.
       extendedExplicitAttr3 : SET OF GENERIC_ENTITY;
       ALL_CROSS_MODEL_REFERENCES_TO_ME : SET OF GENERIC_ENTITY;  -- reserved name, keeps all references from other models
       extendedInverseAttr : SET OF GENERIC_ENTITY FOR (entityx.explicitAttr1, entityx.explicitAttr2, ...entityz.explicitAttr5);
        explicitAttr1 : INTEGER;
        explicitAttr2 : GENERIC_ENTITY;
        ALL_CROSS_MODEL_REFERENCES_TO_ME : SET OF GENERIC_ENTITY;  -- reserved name, keeps all references from other models

     NEW_NEW_EXTENSION_ENTITY name SUBTYPE OF (entity1, entity2, ... entityN);  -- subtype of any entity or "extended entity" in schema
        explicitAttr1 : INTEGER;
        explicitAttr2 : GENERIC_ENTITY;
        ALL_CROSS_MODEL_REFERENCES_TO_ME : SET OF GENERIC_ENTITY;  -- reserved name, keeps all references from other models


Arnes adjusted proposal out of Hans Karsten initial spec:

  • Declarations should be like nouns not verbs
  • Avoid new keywords, there are too many already. Try reusing existing
  • Use "FOR" to explicit scope to EXPRESS scema
  • Entity extensions always have own name 
  • Use leading underscore for "EDM extension" ALL_CROSS_.....



ExtensionSchema 0.2
EXTENSION_SCHEMA   ExtensionSchemaName FOR IFC2X3;

    ENTITY_EXTENSION extToifcxx1 FOR ifcxx1 ;
       (* Attribute name must be unique within the extended entity (ifcxx1), may be same as
          attribute names in super type Entity. When so, this extended attribute must be
          accessed by name using "full qualified attribute name".
          The attribute domains can be any domain in the actual schema or domain (instance type)
          defined in the current extension schema
       extendedExplicitAttr1 : STRING;           -- any simple data type can be used, not defined types
       extendedExplicitAttr2 : GENERIC_ENTITY;   --sdaiINSTANCE of any type. can be used as link to instance in any other model.
       extendedExplicitAttr3 : SET OF GENERIC_ENTITY;
       _ALL_CROSS_MODEL_REFERENCES_TO_ME : SET OF GENERIC_ENTITY;  -- reserved name, keeps all references from other models
       extendedInverseAttr : SET OF GENERIC_ENTITY FOR (entityx.explicitAttr1, entityx.explicitAttr2, ...entityz.explicitAttr5);

    ENTITY_EXTENSION extToifcxx2 FOR SUBTYPE(S) ifcxx2;
       (* supplying SUBTYPES enables all extensions will be valid for all subtypes of the extended entity, i.e., all subtypes of ifcxx2 *)
       extendedExplicitAttr1 : STRING;           -- any simple data type can be used, not defined types
       extendedExplicitAttr2 : GENERIC_ENTITY;   --sdaiINSTANCE of any type. can be used as link to instance in any other model.
       extendedExplicitAttr3 : SET OF GENERIC_ENTITY;
       _ALL_CROSS_MODEL_REFERENCES_TO_ME : SET OF GENERIC_ENTITY;  -- reserved name, keeps all references from other models
       extendedInverseAttr : SET OF GENERIC_ENTITY FOR (entityx.explicitAttr1, entityx.explicitAttr2, ...entityz.explicitAttr5);
     ENTITY_EXTENSION name; -- lacking FOR part means a new entity
        explicitAttr1 : INTEGER;
        explicitAttr2 : GENERIC_ENTITY;
        _ALL_CROSS_MODEL_REFERENCES_TO_ME : SET OF GENERIC_ENTITY;  -- reserved name, keeps all references from other models

     ENTITY_EXTENSION name SUBTYPE OF (FOR entity1, extendedentity2, ... entityN);  -- subtype of any entity (FOR x) or "extended entity" in schema
        explicitAttr1 : INTEGER;
        explicitAttr2 : GENERIC_ENTITY;
        _ALL_CROSS_MODEL_REFERENCES_TO_ME : SET OF GENERIC_ENTITY;  -- reserved name, keeps all references from other models


I think this approach also allows for using only "ENTITY" in stead of "ENTITY_EXTENSION", but that is maybe going too far? Or maybe not, ref RULE_SCHEMA.




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