Embedding the EDMruntime License Key

Embedding the EDMruntime License Key

When you have generated the EDMruntime license key, the next step is to embed the 84 character string into the source code of your application. The syntax for this is different for each EDMInterface language binding. When you embed the license key, there is one important precaution to be taken.

Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : User 'null' does not have permission to view the page 'US:_icon_Important(30px)'.

The EDMruntime  license key shall be embedded in compiled source code only, and shall not in any way be accessible to your application end users. You are responsible for your own and any third party's unauthorized use of the license key.

The samples below are for EDMInterface / C API and C++.

Hard code the EDMruntime license key into the source code

The EDMInterface/C API functions edmiSetInternalData() and edmiRemoteSetInternalDataBN() is used for defining the EDMruntime license as an environment variable that is valid for the scope of your application process only. Make sure the ...SetInternalData... function is invoked before any other EDMInterface API call. The sample below shows how the key may be embedded.

Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : User 'null' does not have permission to view the page 'US:_xc_EmbedEDMruntimeLicenseKey'.


Include required libraries in your applications installation kit

Your application must be distributed with and have access to the following libraries.




Native EDMInterface/C API functions for EDMstandaloneClient  and EDMremoteClient  applications


XML utilities.


Character encoding converter utilities.

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