EDMclient Applications

EDMclient Applications

For developers using EDMsdk, there are basically two types of EDMclient applications.


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This client type opens a local EDMdatabase and maintains it through a memory cache area that is allocated by your application process. No other process has access to this cache area, and therefore no other EDMclients can access the EDMdatabase as long as you have it open. The EDMstandaloneClient requires no external EDMsixServer process be available. To develop EDMstandaloneClients it is required you have an EDMsdk license installed on your system.


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These clients do not have the ability to open local EDMdatabases and connect to them with in-process allocated memory cache. They always depend on the availability of an EDMsixServer. EDMthinClients cannot use the EDMInterface API in the same way as EDMstandaloneClients. But the EDMInterface API has a sibling named the EDMremoteInterface API.  The EDMremoteInterface API is basically completely transparent to the EDMInterface API, but because EDMthinClients communicate with EDMsixServers, some additional information is required. This information is provided in the Server Context parameter. The Server Context identifies the EDMsixServer that shall execute the API call, the user account credentials to be used in the remote EDMdatabase and the type of communication to apply between the EDMthinClient and the EDMsixServer.

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To develop EDMthinClient applications, no EDMsdk license is required. If you have access to an EDMsixServer, you may simply download the EDMsdk and start using it with the EDMremoteInterface API. If you do not have such EDMsixServer available, simply use the EDMdevelopmentServer that comes with the install kit.

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Before starting, you should take some time to read about writing transparent EDMclients with the EDMremoteInterface API. It may not only save you a lot of time with transaction handling. You will also be only  a switch away from converting your EDMstandaloneClient application to an EDMthinClient application.

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