EDMdatabase Architecture
The EDMdatabase, is Jotne EPM Technology’s proprietary storage technology. It is designed to store and process all information defined in EXPRESS and EDMexpressX schemas (dictionary data) and all populations thereof (application data). Data are stored as instances in EDMmodels. EDMmodels are stored in EDMrepositories. The EDMmodel architecture is illustrated in the figure below.
The following EDMrepositories are available after creating an EDMdatabase
DictionaryRepository | Contains the dictionary models created when EXPRESSS and EDMexpressX schema are compiled. Dictionary models on the right hand side of the dashed vertical line in Figure 6 are created together with the EDMdatabaseTM. Dictionary models on the left hand side are created by the user. |
SystemRepository | Contains dictionary data, e.g. data according to the system dictionary models. |
DataRepository | The default repository for user data models. Other data repositories can be created by the user. |
EDMVisualExpress | The default repository for Express-G diagram models created and maintained by EDMvisualExpress |
DictionaryRepository contains dictionary models created from a schema. Dictionary models on the right hand side of the dashed vertical line in the figure above are implicitly created with the EDMdatabase. Dictionary models on the left hand side are created by the user. There are two distinct sets of models in the DictionaryRepository; Meta-models and User-defined dictionary models.
Meta-models are derived from boot schemata (meta-meta models). Boot schemata include schemata describing the grammar of the EXPRESS language, EXPRESS-G language and EXPRESS-X language, and includes also the ISO-10303 Part 22 SDAI schemata. These models provide data type information about the instances in a user-defined dictionary model.
User-defined dictionary models are derived from user-defined schemata, such as STEP application protocols. In other words, the value of the entity instances in the dictionary model corresponds to the tokens found in the user-defined schema. These models provide data type information about the application data models that are stored in the model repository.SystemRepository contains dictionary data, e.g. data according to the system dictionary models.
EDMVisualExpress is the default repository for Express-G diagram models created and maintained by EDMvisualExpress.
DataRepository is the default repository for user data models. Other data repositories can be created by the user.
All dictionary models will get the extension _DICTIONARY_DATA following the schema name, MY_SCHEMA_DICTIONARY_DATA.
The EDMdatabase, is Jotne EPM Technology’s proprietary storage technology. It is designed to store and process all information defined in EXPRESS and EDMexpressX schemas (dictionary data) and all populations thereof (application data). Data are stored as instances in EDMmodels. EDMmodels are stored in EDMrepositories. The EDMmodel architecture is illustrated in the figure below.
The following EDMrepositories are available after creating an EDMdatabase
DictionaryRepository | Contains the dictionary models created when EXPRESSS and EDMexpressX schema are compiled. Dictionary models on the right hand side of the dashed vertical line in Figure 6 are created together with the EDMdatabaseTM. Dictionary models on the left hand side are created by the user. |
SystemRepository | Contains dictionary data, e.g. data according to the system dictionary models. |
DataRepository | The default repository for user data models. Other data repositories can be created by the user. |
EDMVisualExpress | The default repository for Express-G diagram models created and maintained by EDMvisualExpress |
DictionaryRepository contains dictionary models created from a schema. Dictionary models on the right hand side of the dashed vertical line in the figure above are implicitly created with the EDMdatabase. Dictionary models on the left hand side are created by the user. There are two distinct sets of models in the DictionaryRepository; Meta-models and User-defined dictionary models.
Meta-models are derived from boot schemata (meta-meta models). Boot schemata include schemata describing the grammar of the EXPRESS language, EXPRESS-G language and EXPRESS-X language, and includes also the ISO-10303 Part 22 SDAI schemata. These models provide data type information about the instances in a user-defined dictionary model.
User-defined dictionary models are derived from user-defined schemata, such as STEP application protocols. In other words, the value of the entity instances in the dictionary model corresponds to the tokens found in the user-defined schema. These models provide data type information about the application data models that are stored in the model repository.SystemRepository contains dictionary data, e.g. data according to the system dictionary models.
EDMVisualExpress is the default repository for Express-G diagram models created and maintained by EDMvisualExpress.
DataRepository is the default repository for user data models. Other data repositories can be created by the user.
All dictionary models will get the extension _DICTIONARY_DATA following the schema name, MY_SCHEMA_DICTIONARY_DATA.
EXPRESS Data Manager conforms to the methodology defined by ISO 10303 (STEP). Any user of EXPRESS Data Manager will need to be familiar with this methodology and also in the descriptive and implementation methods of STEP (10 and 20 series). EXPRESS is defined as human readable and computer sensible, to enable the complete and consistent capture of information requirements. The prime objective is to facilitate data exchange without loss of information. Most significantly information ownership is released from today's proprietary applications to a product model as the neutral interface for any application that needs access to data. Another important achievement is that generic applications can be developed - applications that interpret information defined in EXPRESS and EXPRESS-X schemas and perform some defined operations. This concept is also referred to as being schema independent or late bound. EXPRESS Data Manager is such a schema-driven system and all components in EXPRESS Data ManagerTM are late binding, e.g. they can be used for any EXPRESS and EXPRESS-X schema.
Late Binding Concept
This concept is defined by ISO 10303-22 (SDAI), which defines three logical data levels as illustrated in Figure below
Meta-meta data is a model of the EXPRESS language
Meta data are defined by EXPRESS or EXPRESS-X schemas, and stored according to the Meta-meta data model.
User data (application data) are stored in accordance to the metadata in EXPRESS schema
One way of reading this is that UserData-1 is described by User_Schema_1, which is described by the SDAI_DICTIONARY_MODEL.
In EXPRESS Data Manager everything is stored according to EXPRESS and EXPRESS-X meaning that also the Meta-meta data is an EXPRESS model of the EXPRESS and EXPRESS-X language. This schema has been defined for storing any schemas without loss of information, and for the functionality and performance requirements from EDMinterface and EDMexpressVM. The layers in EXPRESS Data Manager are shown below. Each layer can be built of many components and together packaged into one or more EXPRESS Data Managerproducts and made available to the current version of the price list.
EXPRESS Data Manager conforms to the methodology defined by ISO 10303 (STEP). Any user of EXPRESS Data Manager will need to be familiar with this methodology and also in the descriptive and implementation methods of STEP (10 and 20 series). EXPRESS is defined as human readable and computer sensible, to enable the complete and consistent capture of information requirements. The prime objective is to facilitate data exchange without loss of information. Most significantly information ownership is released from today's proprietary applications to a product model as the neutral interface for any application that needs access to data. Another important achievement is that generic applications can be developed - applications that interpret information defined in EXPRESS and EXPRESS-X schemas and perform some defined operations. This concept is also referred to as being schema independent or late bound. EXPRESS Data Manager is such a schema-driven system and all components in EXPRESS Data ManagerTM are late binding, e.g. they can be used for any EXPRESS and EXPRESS-X schema.
Late Binding Concept
This concept is defined by ISO 10303-22 (SDAI), which defines three logical data levels as illustrated in Figure below
Meta-meta data is a model of the EXPRESS language
Meta data are defined by EXPRESS or EXPRESS-X schemas, and stored according to the Meta-meta data model.
User data (application data) are stored in accordance to the metadata in EXPRESS schema
One way of reading this is that UserData-1 is described by User_Schema_1, which is described by the SDAI_DICTIONARY_MODEL.
In EXPRESS Data Manager everything is stored according to EXPRESS and EXPRESS-X meaning that also the Meta-meta data is an EXPRESS model of the EXPRESS and EXPRESS-X language. This schema has been defined for storing any schemas without loss of information, and for the functionality and performance requirements from EDMinterface and EDMexpressVM. The layers in EXPRESS Data Manager are shown below. Each layer can be built of many components and together packaged into one or more EXPRESS Data Managerproducts and made available to the current version of the price list.