EdmiError edmiRemoteActivateModel (SdaiServerContext serverContextId, SdaiString remoteArchivedModelName, SdaiRepository remoteRepositoryName, SdaiString remoteModelName, SdaiOptions options, SdaiModel *modelId SdaiInvocationId *edmiInvocationId);
Makes the EDMserver activate an archived model in a remote EDMdatabase. There is a maximum number of models that may be simultaneously active within an EDMdatabase. Databases that need to store great numbers of models may exceed this capacity. To solve this, models may be temporarily archived, thereby releasing capacity in the EDMdatabase. Models that are rarely used need not be permanently active in the EDMdatabase. For an EDMuser to activate a model, he needs at least read access to it.
Type | Name | Comment |
| serverContextId | Context identification, from edmiDefineServerContext |
| remoteArchivedModelName | The name that was originally assigned to the archived model by edmiRemoteArchiveModel. |
SdaiRepository | remoteRepositoryName | The name of the repository in the remote EDMdatabase in which to activate the edmModel. |
SdaiString | remoteModelName | The name that will be assigned to the restored edmModel. If the original edmModel persists in the EDMdatabase, the restored edmModel must be assigned a different name. |
SdaiOptions | options | Specifies the options to be used in the invocation of this function. The <options> value can be specified as a bitwise OR between the actual options to enable. See detailed descriptions of the available options below |
SdaiModel | modelId | Variable that will receive the modelId that uniquely identifies the activated edmModel in the EDMdatabase |
SdaiInvocationId | edmiInvocationId | Not yet used. When the edmiInvocationId is specified unequal NULL, the actual operation will be asynchronous and a handle (identifier) of the call will be returned in the edmiInvocationId argument. |
Return Value
Option | Comment |
SKIP_STEP_ID_MODEL | When edmModels are imported from ISO10303-21 STEP physical files with the KEEP_STEP_IDENTIFIERS option set, a separate stepId model will be created in order to preserve the mapping between the stepIds and the instanceIds. By default, stepId models will be activated together with the edmModels. Use this option to prevent activation of the stepIdmodel. |
RESTORE_MODEL_ADMIN_DATA | Use this option to restore the models original administration data. If this option is not used, the activated model will have its administration data set as if it were created by the user. |
KEEP_ARCHIVED_MODEL | A copy of the edmModel will be activated but it remains archived. |
EdmiError rstat; SdaiServerContext myContext; SdaiModel modelId; SdaiArchivedModel archModId; SdaiInstance instId; /* Create Server Context */ rstat = edmiDefineServerContext("MyContext", "Johnny", "Supervisor", "cf37ftr", "TCP", "9090", "MyServerHost", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &myContext); /* Activate the model */ rstat = edmiRemoteActivateModel(myContext, "MyArchivedModel", "DataRepository", "MyModel", 0, &modelId, NULL); /* Update the population */ rstat = edmiRemoteCreateInstanceAndPutAttrsBN(myContext, "DataRepository", "MyModel", "FRIEND", 2, &instId, NULL, "FIRST_NAME", sdaiSTRING, "Lucy", "LAST_NAME", sdaiSTRING, "Schmidt"); /* Rearchive the model */ rstat = edmiRemoteArchiveModel(myContext, "DataRepository", "MyModel", "MyArchivedModel", 0, &archModId, NULL); . . .
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