


 SdaiBoolean edmiIsSubtypeAggr (SdaiAggr aggrId);

Checks if the specified aggregate is a subtype aggregate. Subtype aggregates contains all instances of one particular instance type and all instances that are a subtype of this particular instance type in a data model. Subtype aggregates belongs to an EDMserver session, hence subtype aggregates are not persistent in the EDMdatabase.


SdaiAggraggrIdA numeric aggregateID that uniquely identifies the aggregate instance of interest in the EDMdatabase. The aggregateID is returned when the aggregate is created or it can be retrieved with an EDMinterface get operation.

Return Value

 SdaiBoolean sdaiTRUE when the aggregate is a subtype aggregate, otherwise sdaiFALSE.





 SdaiBoolean isSubtypeAggr;
 SdaiAggr aggrId;
 . . .
 isSubtypeAggr = edmiIsSubtypeAggr(aggrId);
 if (isSubtypeAggr == sdaiTRUE) {
 printf("\nAggregate: %lu is a subtype aggregate", aggrId); 
 } else {
 printf("\nAggregate: %lu is not a subtype aggregate", aggrId); 
 . . .


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