EdmiError edmiWriteStepFileEx(SdaiString repositoryName, SdaiString modelName, SdaiString headerModelRepositoryName, SdaiString headerModelName, SdaiString stepFile, SdaiString diaFileName, SdaiString shortNamesFile, SdaiInteger options, SdaiInteger realPrecision, SdaiInteger *nbWarnings, SdaiInteger *nbErrors, SdaiErrorCode *sdaiError);
Invokes the EDMp21Handler to produce a STEP Physical File representation of a data model in the EDMdatabase. The STEP Physical File format is defined in ISO 10303-21: Clear text encoding of the exchange structures. A STEP Physical File is also referred to as a Part 21 file. STEP Physical File is one of the implementation forms of ISO 10303, and can be used to exchange data between two EDMdatabase s or between an EDMdatabase and any application that conforms to ISO 10303-21. The produced file can also be used for long time archiving of the data. The Header Section part of the STEP file can be produced from an existing header model in the EDMdatabase or a default Header Section can be produced when no header model is specified as input argument to this function. A header model is a model of the HEADER_SECTION_SCHEMA defined in ISO 10303-21. The default Header Section can be configured by setting the EDM system variable EDM_STEP_FILE_AUTHOR. For information on the format of the file in argument <shortNamesFile>, see Short names in the EDMsupervisor User Guide.
1 | Type | Name | Comment |
2 | SdaiString | repositoryName | The name of the data repository that contains the edmModel for which to create an ISO10303-P21 STEP file representation. |
3 | SdaiString | modelName | The name of the edmModel to be exported to to an ISO10303-P21 STEP file. |
4 | SdaiString | headerModelRepositoryName | The name of the data repository that contains the STEP Header Model of the edmModel for which to create an ISO10303-P21 STEP file representation. |
5 | SdaiString | headerModelName | The name of the STEP Header Model in EDMdatabase that will be mapped to the Header Section in the resulting STEP file. STEP Header Model names are case sensitive. The specified STEP Header Model must be located in the repository specified by the <repositoryName> argument. |
6 | SdaiString | stepFile | The name of the generated ISO-10303-P21 STEP file. The default file extension is ".stp". |
7 | SdaiString | diaFileName | The name of the file that will receive diagnostic information from the generation of the STEP Physical File. |
8 | SdaiInteger | shortNamesFile | The name of the file containing mappings between full entity names and their corresponding unique short names. |
9 | SdaiInteger | options | The options that will be used in the execution of the edmiWriteStepFileEx function. The options value should be specified as a bitwise OR between the options to be enabled. All available options are defined in the header file sdai.h. See below for a detailed description of the available options. |
10 | SdaiInteger | realPrecision | Specifies an integer that denotes the number of significant digits after the decimal point in a REAL number in the resulting STEP file. |
11 | SdaiInteger | nbWarnings | Variable that will receive the number of warnings resulting from exporting the step file. |
12 | SdaiInteger | nbErrors | Variable that will receive the number of errors encountered while exporting the step file. |
13 | SdaiErrorCode | sdaiError | Variable that will receive the EDMinterface error code when the edmiWriteStepFileEx function encounters a problem with the communication with the EDMserver. |
Return Value
Option | Comment |
CONFORMANCE_CLASS_1 | Enforce the file to be exported according to ISO 10303-21:1994/TC1 conformance class 1 format. Identification of the format is written to the Header Section of the resulting STEP file. |
CONFORMANCE_CLASS_2 | Enforce the file to be exported according to ISO 10303-21:1994/TC1 conformance class 2 format. Identification of the format is written to the Header Section of the resulting STEP file. |
EDM_PRIVATE_FORMAT | Exports an EXPRESS Data Manager private format for more compressed exchange between two or more EDMdatabase. Identification of the format is written to the Header Section of the resulting STEP file. |
SHORT_NAMES | Specifies that the short names specified in the <shortNamesFile> argument will be used for entity names in the resulting STEP file. |
EDM_IDENTIFIERS | Specifies that the EDMdatabase instanceID will be used as instance identifiers in the STEP Physical File such that it will be easy to find the correspondence between a mapped instance on the STEP file and the same instance in the EDMdatabase. |
NO_HEADER_CHANGE | Specifies that the header model specified by the <headerModelName> argument will be mapped to the actual STEP file without any changes. Normally the mapping method, time stamp, and schema name will be provided by the EDMstepHandler function, but no information will be provided by the EDMstepHandler when this option is set. This argument is only effective when a header model is specified in the <headerModelName> argument. |
NO_STRING_ENCODING | Specifies that no encoding will take place when mapping a STRING data type to the STEP file. The ISO 10303-21 specifies that all character in a STRING data type that have an ASCII value less than 32 or greater than 126 should be encoded in a STEP file. |
KEPT_STEP_IDENTIFIERS | The instanceIds of the edmModel population will be mapped to the corresponding stepIDs in the STEP Identifier model before they are exported to a STEP file. |
HEADER_MODEL_ONLY | Specifies that only the Header Section of the specified STEP file will be parsed and a STEP Header Model will be created and populated in the EDMdatabase. No data model will be created when this option is set. |
EdmiError rstat, err; SdaiInteger nWrn, nErr; SdaiModel modId; /* Import the ISO10303-21 file */ if (rstat = edmiReadStepFileEx ("DataRepository", "MyModel", NULL, NULL, "c:/data/myP21file.stp", "c:/temp/myP21file.dia", NULL, NULL, DELETING_EXISTING_MODEL|CONFORMANCE_CLASS_2, &modId, &nWrn, &nErr, &err)) { printf("\nError %d in edmiReadStepFileEx: %s", rstat, edmiGetErrorText(rstat)); goto error; } . . . /* Modify population here */ . . . /* Export the ISO10303-21 file */ if (rstat = edmiWriteStepFileEx("DataRepository", "myModel", NULL, NULL, "c:/data/myP21file.stp", "c:/temp/myP21file.dia", NULL, CONFORMANCE_CLASS_2, 6, &nWrn, &nErr, &err)) { printf("\nError %d in edmiWriteStepFileEx: %s", rstat, edmiGetErrorText(rstat)); goto error; } . . . error: . . .
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