


EdmiError edmiRemoteCreateNestedTypedAggr(SdaiServerContext serverContextId,
                                            SdaiAggr          parentAggr,
                                            SdaiAggrFunction  aggrFunction,
                                            SdaiInteger       index,
                                            SdaiSelect        pSel,
                                            SdaiAggr          *aggrId,
                                            SdaiInvocationId  *edmiInvocationId);

Creates a typed aggregate and inserts it as an element in an already existing aggregate. The existing aggregate is denoted the parent aggregate. The nested aggregate to be created is denoted a child aggregate of its parent aggregate .Nested typed aggregates are required when the data type specification of the elements of their parent aggregate is not uniquely defined in the edmModels underlying Express Schema. This may only happen when the declared aggregate elements of the parent aggregate are of type SELECT. When creating a nested typed aggregate, a struct of type tSdaiSelect with a type specification of the aggregate elements must be supplied. A numeric aggregateID will be returned from the function. This id uniquely identifies the nested typed aggregate within the remote EDMdatabase. This aggregateID will remain unchanged throughout the lifetime of the aggregate and may be used to identify the aggregate in subsequent calls to EDMinterface API functions. The parent aggregate that will be the owner of the nested aggregate is specified by its aggregateId in the <parentAggr> argument. AggregateIDs may not be handled as a plain data values. Nested aggregates must be created within their parent aggregates. Child aggregateIds may be retrieved by EDMinterface Get operations, but they may not be used to populate parent aggregates by means of EDMinterface Put operations. This operation is only applicable to aggregates owned by application instances.





Context identification, from edmiDefineServerContext



A numeric aggregateId that uniquely identifies the parent typed aggregate in which this nested typed aggregate is to be created. Any level of nesting is allowed. Only the first level must be created with edmiRemoteCreateTypedAggr. All subsequent levels must be created by this function. Hence, the parent aggregate may be either a plain typed aggregate or a nested typed aggregate.



Determines the insert point of the created nested aggregate in its parent aggregate. The following is a description of each of the legal values of this argument.

  • ADD_ELEMENTS: Applicable for the unordered aggregates Set and Bag. May also be used for List, but will then be interpreted as APPEND_ELEMENTS
  • APPEND_ELEMENTS: The nested aggregate will be appended to the end of the existing list. Applicable for List aggregates only.
  • PREPEND_ELEMENTS: The nested aggregate will be prepended to the start of the existing list. Applicable for List aggregates only.
  • INSERT_BEFORE_INDEX: The nested aggregate will be created in the array element with an index that is one less than the index given by the <index> argument. Applicable only for the ordered aggregates aggregates List and Array.
  • INSERT_AFTER_INDEX: The nested aggregate will be created in the array element with the index given by the <index> argument. Applicable only for the ordered aggregates aggregates List and Array.
  • ACCESS_BY_INDEX: The nested aggregate will be created in the array element with an index that is one greater than the index given by the <index> argument. Applicable only for the ordered aggregates aggregates List and Array.


A parent aggregate element position that is used to determine the insertion point of the created nested aggregate.
Applicable only for the ordered aggregates List and Array.



Pointer to a locally allocated tSdaiSelect data structure that contains the type specification of the typed aggregate elements.  The aggregate is typed with a path of pSel->nTypes elements. The path must be specified in the buffer pointed to by pSel->typeList. Each element in this buffer is a numeric typeID identifying a defined type instance in the remote  EDMdatabase . The last specified typeID in the pSel->typeList buffer defines the element type of the typed aggregate.



Variable that will receive the aggregateId that uniquely identifies the nested typed aggregate in the remote EDMdatabase



Currently not used.

Return Value

Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : User 'null' does not have permission to view the page 'US:_r_EDMInterface'.




Option nameComment




 SCHEMA Accounts
 ENTITY Turnover; 
 Sales : ARRAY [0:4] OF ARRAY [1:12] OF tAmount; 
 #define S_JANUARY 1
 #define S_FEBRUARY 2
 #define S_MARCH 3
 int i;
 EdmiError rstat;
 SdaiServerContext myContext;
 SdaiInstance salesId;
 SdaiAttr attrId;
 SdaiAggr parentAggrId;
 SdaiAggr childAggrId[S_NOOF_DIVISIONS];
 SdaiType tAmountId;
 tSdaiSelect sel;
 SdaiSelect salesAmount = &sel;
 /* Create Server Context */
 rstat = edmiDefineServerContext("MyContext",
 "Johnny", "Supervisor", "cf37ftr", 
 "TCP", "9090", "MyServerHost", 
 NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &myContext); 
 /* Create instance of sales */
 rstat = edmiRemoteCreateInstanceAndPutAttrsBN(myContext,
 "AdminRepository", "Economy", 
 "Turnover", 0, &salesId, NULL); 
 /* Get the attribute Id */
 rstat = edmiRemoteGetAttrDefinitionBN(myContext, "Accounts",
 "Turnover", "Sales", &attrId, NULL); 
 /* Create the parent aggregate */
 rstat = edmiRemoteCreateAggrAndWriteAggrElements(myContext,
 salesId, attrId, 0, 0, 0, NULL,  
 &parentAggrId, NULL); 
 /* Get the type Id of tAmount */
 rstat = edmiRemoteGetDefinedTypeBN(myContext, "Accounts",
 "tAmount", &tAmountId, NULL); 
 /* Create child aggregates for
 all company divisions */ 
 salesAmount->nTypes = 1;
 salesAmount->type = sdaiREAL;
 salesAmount->typeList = &tAmountId;
 salesAmount->value.realVal = 0;
 for (i=0;i<S_NOOF_DIVISIONS;i++) {
 rstat = edmiRemoteCreateNestedTypedAggr(myContext,  
 parentAggrId, ACCESS_BY_INDEX, i, 
 salesAmount, &childAggrId[i], NULL); 
 /* Insert sales numbers for each division
 for the first month of the year */ 
 for (i=0;i<S_NOOF_DIVISIONS;i++) {
 SdaiReal _sales[5] = {123.2, 45.4, 334.0, 11.9, 98.7}; 
 salesAmount->value.realVal = _sales[i]; 
 rstat = edmiRemoteWriteAggrElements(myContext, childAggrId[i],  
 sdaiSELECT, salesAmount, NULL); 
 . . .


See also

Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.