

EdmiError edmiRemoteExpressToHTML(SdaiServerContext serverContextId,
                                    SdaiString        expressFile,
                                    SdaiString        diagnosticFile,
                                    SdaiString        htmlFile,
                                    SdaiInteger       options,
                                    SdaiInteger       *warnings,
                                    SdaiInteger       *errors,
                                    SdaiInvocationId  *edmiInvocationId);

Invokes the EDMexpressCompiler to produce a HTML representation of the specified remote Express Schema(ta). The generated HTML formatted representation will be stored in one or more specified files. The HTML representation may be displayed by any Internet browser by providing the file name specified in the <htmlFile> argument. This function offers a variety of options for tailoring the HTML representation. It is important to limit the size of the generated HTML files in order to ensure browsing performance. Options are provided for generation of multiple html files with a limited size. If the generated HTML files shall be moved between file directories, it is suggested that the generated HTML representation be written to an empty directory. The generated files may be numerous, and by isolating them in their own separate directory, it will be easier to handle the group of files as a single data amount.
The EDMexpressCompiler performs several checks when generating the HTML formatted data. The number of encountered errors and warnings will be returned in the <errors> and <warnings> arguments respectively.


2 SdaiServerContext


Context identification, from edmiDefineServerContext

3 SdaiString


The name of the file(s) containing the EXPRESS Schema(ta) to be presented in HTML format. If more than one file is specified, delimit each file name with a comma. The wild card character "*" is also a permitted character in a filename. The default file extension is ".exp".

4 SdaiString


The name of the file that will receive the diagnostic information generated by this function. If this argument is NULL or an empty string, the diagnostic information will be written to the EDMinterface current output device. 
Use edmiDefineOutputFunction to redefine the EDMinterface current output device.

5 SdaiString


The name of the root-file of the generated multi file HTML representation of the specified Express schema(ta). This is the file name that must be provided in the HTML browser. The default file extensions are ".htm" on the Windows platforms and ".html" on the Unix platforms.

6 SdaiInteger


See description of available options below.
Options may be joined by using the bitwise OR operator. Default behaviour is that no subtypes be included in the returned entity extent.

7 SdaiInteger


A variable that will receive the number of warnings detected by the EDMexpressCompiler in the current invocation.

8 SdaiInteger


A variable that will receive the number of errors detected by the EDMexpressCompiler in the current invocation.

9 SdaiInvocationId


Currently not used.

Return Value

Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : User 'null' does not have permission to view the page 'US:_r_EDMInterface'.





Supports edition 2 of the Express language.


Express reserved words will be displayed in bold fonts.


Global symbols in the Express schema(ta) will be displayed in bold fonts. Global symbols are the names of schemata, entities, defined types, constants, global rules, functions, and procedures. When using the option ENUMERATIONS_AS_GLOBAL_SYMBOLS, all enumeration elements will be displayed in bold font as well.


A heading, containing a kind of table of contents, will be produced in different levels to enhance the browsing.


Enumeration elements will be handled as global symbols.


Global symbols will be formatted as follows; The first character and the first character after an underscore will be upper case. The rest will be lower case. This enables "pretty print" of the HTML representation.


There will be one HTML file generated for each Express schema. The options ONE_HTML_FILE_PER_SCHEMA and ONE_HTML_FILE_PER_INPUT_FILE are mutually exclusive.


There will be one HTML file for each file specified in the <expressFile> argument. The options ONE_HTML_FILE_PER_SCHEMA and ONE_HTML_FILE_PER_INPUT_FILE are mutually exclusive.


Add hypertext links within Express comment.


The name of the files that constitute the HTML representation should be as short as possible to reduce the number of bytes in the hyperlinks. This will reduce the size of the HTML representation. This option does not affect the <htmlFile> argument.


The HTML representation will be displayed in multiple frames.





See also

Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.