

FUNCTION xpxMakeHashTable (modelId, entityId   : GENERIC;
                           subtypes            : BOOLEAN;
                           attributeName       : STRING;
                           VAR hashTableIndex  : INTEGER)
                           status              : INTEGER;

The xpxMakeHashTable function makes hash table holding instances for one specific entity, possibly including its subtypes, for a specific model. This hashTableIndex should be used in later calls to xpxGetHashedValue , xpfGetHashedValue and xpxDeleteHashTable operations.


GENERICmodelIdthe model containing the instances to be hashed
GENERICentityIdthe entity definition of instances to be hashed
BOOLEANsubtypesTRUE if the hash table should contain instances of the subtypes of the given entity, otherwise FALSE
STRINGattributeNamethe name of the attribute used as hash key
INTEGERhashTableIndexthe index of the newly created hash table

Return Value

Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : User 'null' does not have permission to view the page 'US:_r_XPX_Return_Value'.




<Missing Example>


See also

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