Define EXPRESS-X Schema
Note: This function can only be used with the EDMmodelConverter license key fully installed.
Menu path: Schemata>EXPRESS-X>DefineSchema
Invokes the EDMexpressXCompiler to compile one or more files, each containing one or more Express-X schemata. For each input schema an Express-X syntax check, an Express-X schema consistency check including a check against source and target Express schema, and an Express-X dictionary model creation is available. This is specified through command options.
Normally an Express-X schemata defines a mapping (conversion) of a data model defined by one Express schema (source schema), to a new data model defined by another Express schema (target schema). A legal special case is when the source and target schema are the same Express schema. All Express schemata referred to by the actual Express-X schema must exist as dictionary models in the EDMdatabase when this command is executed. The command Schemata>DefineSchema can be used to create a dictionary model of an Express schema.
The command Data>ConvertModel can be used to perform the actual conversion process defined by an Express-X schema.
File name: |
Specify the name of the file(s) containing Express-X schema(ta). If more than one file is specified, delimit each file name with a comma. The wild card symbol "*" is also a permitted character in a filename. The default file extension is ".xpx". |
Diagnostic file: |
Specify the file name for diagnostic information generated by this command. If no file name is supplied, all diagnostic information will be presented in the EDMsupervisor output window. |
accumulating command output: |
A global option that appends the command output to the EDMsupervisor output window. Otherwise the output window is refreshed and only the last command output is displayed. |
clear all options: |
Unset all Schemata>EXPRESS-X>DefineSchema command options except [accumulating command output]. |
storing source: |
Specifies that the Express-X schema(ta) will be stored in original form in the EDMdatabase. This source can later be retrieved and displayed by the command Schemata>EXPRESS-X>ShowSchemata command. |
deleting existing schemas: |
Specifies that the existing Express-X dictionary model(s) with the same name as the resulting Express-X dictionary model(s) from this compilation will be replaced by the new dictionary model(s). |
parse only: |
Specifies that the Express-X schema(ta) will be checked for syntax errors only. |
no dictionary model: |
Specifies that no Express-X dictionary models will be created by this invocation of the EDMexpressXCompiler. |
map inheritance: |
Specifies that map inheritance will be enabled during this invocation of the EDMexpressXCompiler. |
continue storing on error: |
Enforces the EDMexpressXCompiler to create and populate Express-X dictionary model(s) of erroneous schema(ta). Only dictionary models of schema(s) compiled without any errors can be stored as a dictionary model(s) in the EDMdatabase when this option is unset. |
sdai warnings: |
This option enables the EDMexpressXCompiler to report as warnings, all failing EDMsupervisor operations during the actual compiler invocation. |
errors only: |
Warnings will be suppressed. |
html error listing: |
Specifies that compilation errors will be presented in HTML format by the EDMsupervisor configured Internet Browser. |
map inheritance report: |
Specify that a report of map inheritance should be written to the EDMexpressXCompiler diagnostic report. This option is effective only when the [map inheritance] option is set. |