Define file mapping

Define file mapping

Menu path: Aux>Define file mapping
By this command it is possible to define mapping between logical file names in Express-X methods and actual file names.
When an Express-x method is executed in a server, input files are copied to temporary files on the server before the program starts and when the program reads from the file, data is read from the temporary file. Similarly will data written to a logical file be written to a temporary file as long as the Express-x method executes and the temporary file will be copied to the specified file on the client machine upon completion of the Express-x method.
When an Express-x method opens a file, the file is searched for among the defined logical file names. If the file name is found, the corresponding actual file is used in a single user system. In a multi user server, the corresponding temporary file is used. If the logical file name is not found among the mapped files, the logical file name is used as actual file name on single user systems. In a multi user server, it is not legal access file system files directly so when the file mapping does not exist, the file open will give an error return.
The three arguments described below define one file mapping. The command can define up to 15 file mappings.

Logical file name:

Logical file name used in the Express-x program

Actual file name:

Specify the name of the actual file the logical file is mapped to.
When activating the Select button, a window is opened to allow browsing the directory structure and select/specify the desired file.


Specifies whether the file is a input or output file.


accumulating command output:

A global option that appends the command output to the EDMsupervisor output window. Otherwise the output window is refreshed and only the last command output is displayed.

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