

 EdmiError edmiDefineServerContextEx  (SdaiString         serverContextName,
                                       SdaiOptions        options,
                                       SdaiString         userName,
                                       SdaiString         groupName,
                                       SdaiString         password,
                                       SdaiString         communicationType,
                                       SdaiString         edmServerPortNumber,
                                       SdaiString         edmServerHostName,
                                       SdaiString         edmiTunnelName,
                                       SdaiString         edmiTunnelPortNumber,
                                       SdaiString         edmiTunnelHostName,
                                       SdaiString         proxyServerPortNumber,
                                       SdaiString         proxyServerName,
                                       SdaiServerContext  *serverContextId);

Creates a detailed specification of the EDMInterface communication parameters for communication between an EDMclient and an EDMserver. A defined server context is identified by its unique numeric server context id. A server context id is a mandatory input parameter to all edmiRemote API function calls. Any number of server contexts may be defined in an EDMclient session at the same time, thereby allowing simultaneous access to any number of remote EDMdatabase located anywhere in the world by TCP or HTTP communication. SSO logon is enabled when the option USE_SINGLE_SIGN_ON is set in the "option" argument. The arguments "userName" and "password" have no effect (can be NULL or empty string) in an SSO enabled EDMserverContext. However these arguments have to be defined if wanting to use  SINGLE_SIGN_ON_AND_OPTIONAL_EDM_DEFAULT_LOGON as the EDM_LOGON_METHOD



2SdaiStringserverContextNameOptional name of the server context. Server context names must start with a character followed by any combination of alphanumeric characters and underscore.
4SdaiStringuserNameThe name of the edmUser to connect to the EDMserver. The edmUser name is case insensitive and mandatory.
5SdaiStringgroupNameThe name of the edmGroup to connect to the EDMserver. The edmGroup name is case insensitive and optional.
6SdaiStringpasswordThe password of the edmUser specified by <userName>. The password parameter is mandatory. (

The nature of the communication with an EDMserver. Valid communication types are;

  • “HTTP”: Stateless transaction oriented communication with a remote EDMserver by the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.
  • “TCP”: Stateless transaction oriented communication with a remote EDMserver by the Transfer Communication Protocol.
  • “LOCAL_DB”: Stateful transaction oriented communication with a locally connected EDMserver. The communication type will be as specified for the locally connected EDMserver. The local connection communication type must be defined by edmiDefineCommunication or edmiDefineCommunicationEx
  • “LOCAL_CONTEXT”: Stateful non-transaction oriented communication with a locally connected EDMserver. The communication type will be as specified for the locally connected EDMserver. The local connection communication type must be defined by edmiDefineCommunication or edmiDefineCommunicationEx
8SdaiStringedmServerPortNumberThe service port number used for remote communication with an EDMserver. Valid for <communicationType> “TCP” and “HTTP”.
9SdaiStringedmServerHostNameThe name or IP-address of the machine hosting the EDMserver to communicate with. Valid for <communicationType> “TCP” and “HTTP”.
10SdaiStringedmiTunnelNameThe name and full path of the HTTP Tunnel. Valid only for <communicationType> “HTTP”.
11SdaiStringedmiTunnelPortNumberThe tunnel service port number used by the machine hosting the HTTP Tunnel. Used by the HTTP tunnel for controlling remote communication between an EDMserver and a thin EDMClient. Valid only for <communicationType> “HTTP”.
12SdaiStringedmiTunnelHostNameThe name or IP-address of the machine hosting the HTTP Tunnel. Valid only for <communicationType> “HTTP”.
13SdaiStringproxyServerPortNumberThe service port number used for communication by the proxy server. Valid for <communicationType> “TCP” and “HTTP”.
14SdaiStringproxyServerNameThe name or IP-address of the machine hosting the proxy service. Valid for <communicationType> “TCP” and “HTTP”
15SdaiServerContextserverContextIdVariable that will receive the unique numeric identifier of the defined server context.

Return Value

Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : User 'null' does not have permission to view the page 'US:_r_EDMInterface'.




USE_SSOclients can only logon EDMserver by using SSO
USE_KEYSTONEclients can only logon EDMserver by using a keystone key






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