EDM Components
EDM Components
The following components are available:
- EDMdatabase is Jotne EPM Technology AS proprietary storage technology designed to store and process all information defined in EXPRESS and EXPRESS-X schemas. EDMdatabase ensures scalability and performance for large datasets.
- EDMexpressVM is a virtual machine that interprets all executable statements and expressions used in the EXPRESS and EXPRESS-X schemas.
- EDMserver is used for client/server and web access (optional) to the EDMdatabase.
- EDMinterface provides interfaces to most programming languages and industry standard programming interfaces.
- EDMinterface Applications is a layer whereas Jotne EPM Technology and potential partners provide many useful applications.
- EDMsupervisor is a graphical user interface to access components in EXPRESS Data Manager. It is an application for managing dictionary data and application data in the EDMdatabase and for troubleshooting. It includes the EDMinstanceBrowser and the EDMdebugger, which are very useful tools for development and testing of application interfaces.
- EDMvisualExpress is a case tool for development, publishing and maintenance of object models.
- EDMmodelConverter is an application to execute and debug mapping between database structures specified by EXPRESS-X schemas. It also supports intelligent merge/consolidation (upload) to a datawarehouse.
- EDMmodelChecker - an application to validate complete or partial data sets. Validation is made against rules and constraints defined in EXPRESS Schemas or any number of RULE Schemas declared for an underlying EXPRESS Schema.
- EDMexpressVM - interprets all EXPRESS and EXPRESS-X executable statements and execute the algorithms. Fully integrated with the EDMdebugger. Similar concept as for a Java Virtual Machine.
- EDMdebugger - A graphical debugging application used to analyze the detailed execution of EXPRESS and EXPRESS-X executable statements.
- EDMinstanceBrowser - creates, modifies and shows instances according to a schema.
- EDMexpressCompiler - checks syntax and consistency of EXPRESS and EXPRESS-X schemas and creates dictionary data.
- EDMexchange - imports/exports both dictionary data and application data in ASCII formats such as ISO 10303-21, ISO 10303-28 (XML), HTML, RTF, etc.
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