Class EDMConstants.MergerOptions
- java.lang.Object
- edm.edom3.EDMConstants.MergerOptions
Enclosing interface:EDMConstants
public static class EDMConstants.MergerOptions extends java.lang.Object
Options for theEDMMerger
Field Summary
Modifier and Type Field and Description static long
Delete the target model before operation, if it already exists.static long
Specifies that all logging options except LOG_AGGREGATE_CONTENTS should be activated during the conversion process.static long
Specifies that when the actual data type to be recorded is an aggregate, the value of all aggregate elements will be written in the log record, otherwise only the aggregateID would be written to the actual log record.static long
Specifies that the execution of all assignment statements should be logged.static long
Specifies that the evaluation of all logical conditions in the actual Express-X schema should be logged.static long
Specifies that all error events detected in the actual conversion process should be logged.static long
Specifies that the evaluation of all Express-X expressions should be loggedstatic long
Specifies that the execution of all user defined functions and procedures should be logged.static long
Specifies that all instance creation in the conversion process should be logged.static long
Specifies that all iterations should be logged.static long
Log declarations in the mapping schema only, i.e.static long
Specifies that the execution of all built-in Express-X functions and procedures should be logged.static long
Specifies that the log records should be written to the file specified in the logFile argument.static long
Specifies that the log records should be written to the EDMinterface current output device.static long
Specifies that all warning events detected in the actual conversion process should be logged.static long
States that the first parameter to the merger is interpreted as an filename for a local file containing (enhanced) ISO10303 P28 XML input data (to the query function.static long
States that the first parameter to the merger is interpreted as an XML string containing (enhanced) ISO10303 P28 XML input data to the query function.static long
The referred model is situated on the server (or emulated server if local DB).static long
The result of the conversion process will be added to an existing target model.static long
Specifies that the result from the Express-X functions xpxPrintf and xpxOutputValue will be written to the file specified in the userOutputFile argument.When none of the options USER_OUTPUT_TO_FILE or USER_OUTPUT_TO_STDOUT are set, then the output from these functions will be written to the actual logFile if defined, else the output from these functions will be written to the EDMinterface current output device.static long
Specifies that the result from the Express-X functions xpxPrintf and xpxOutputValue will be written to the EDMinterface current output device.When none of the options USER_OUTPUT_TO_FILE or USER_OUTPUT_TO_STDOUT are set, then the output from these functionsi will be written to the actual logFile if defined, else the output from these functions will be written to the EDMinterface current output device.
Constructor Summary
Constructor and Description MergerOptions()
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Field Detail
public static final long DELETING_EXISTING_MODEL
Delete the target model before operation, if it already exists.See Also:Constant Field Values
public static final long FULL_LOG
Specifies that all logging options except LOG_AGGREGATE_CONTENTS should be activated during the conversion process.See Also:Constant Field Values
public static final long LOG_AGGREGATE_CONTENTS
Specifies that when the actual data type to be recorded is an aggregate, the value of all aggregate elements will be written in the log record, otherwise only the aggregateID would be written to the actual log record. Note: this option may generate very much log information.See Also:Constant Field Values
public static final long LOG_ASSIGNMENTS
Specifies that the execution of all assignment statements should be logged.See Also:Constant Field Values
public static final long LOG_CONDITIONS
Specifies that the evaluation of all logical conditions in the actual Express-X schema should be logged.See Also:Constant Field Values
public static final long LOG_ERRORS
Specifies that all error events detected in the actual conversion process should be logged.See Also:Constant Field Values
public static final long LOG_EXPRESSIONS
Specifies that the evaluation of all Express-X expressions should be loggedSee Also:Constant Field Values
public static final long LOG_FUNCTIONS
Specifies that the execution of all user defined functions and procedures should be logged.See Also:Constant Field Values
public static final long LOG_INSTANCE_CREATION
Specifies that all instance creation in the conversion process should be logged.See Also:Constant Field Values
public static final long LOG_ITERATIONS
Specifies that all iterations should be logged.See Also:Constant Field Values
public static final long LOG_MAPPING_SCHEMA_ONLY
Log declarations in the mapping schema only, i.e. do not log evaluation of derived attributes in the source and target schemas.See Also:Constant Field Values
public static final long LOG_PREDEF_FUNCTIONS
Specifies that the execution of all built-in Express-X functions and procedures should be logged.See Also:Constant Field Values
public static final long LOG_TO_FILE
Specifies that the log records should be written to the file specified in the logFile argument. The options LOG_TO_FILE and LOG_TO_STDOUT can be combined.See Also:Constant Field Values
public static final long LOG_TO_STDOUT
Specifies that the log records should be written to the EDMinterface current output device. The options LOG_TO_FILE and LOG_TO_STDOUT can be combined.See Also:Constant Field Values
public static final long LOG_WARNINGS
Specifies that all warning events detected in the actual conversion process should be logged.See Also:Constant Field Values
public static final long PARAMETERS_IN_XML_STRING
States that the first parameter to the merger is interpreted as an XML string containing (enhanced) ISO10303 P28 XML input data to the query function. There must be exactly one parameter given. All possible data types, Express primitive data types, as well as aggregates and instances could be passed. Instances and aggregates should be passed both by instanceId/aggregateId and by "value". When passed by value, the EDMxmlFactory should create scratch instances/aggregates and pass the related instanceId/aggregateId to the actual method to invoke.See Also:Constant Field Values
public static final long PARAMETERS_IN_XML_FILE
States that the first parameter to the merger is interpreted as an filename for a local file containing (enhanced) ISO10303 P28 XML input data (to the query function. There must be exactly one parameter given. All possible data types, Express primitive data types, as well as aggregates and instances could be passed. Instances and aggregates should be passed both by instanceId/aggregateId and by "value". When passed by value, the EDMxmlFactory should create scratch instances/aggregates and pass the related instanceId/aggregateId to the actual method to invoke.See Also:Constant Field Values
public static final long USE_EXISTING_TARGET_MODEL
The result of the conversion process will be added to an existing target model.See Also:Constant Field Values
public static final long USER_OUTPUT_TO_FILE
Specifies that the result from the Express-X functions xpxPrintf and xpxOutputValue will be written to the file specified in the userOutputFile argument.When none of the options USER_OUTPUT_TO_FILE or USER_OUTPUT_TO_STDOUT are set, then the output from these functions will be written to the actual logFile if defined, else the output from these functions will be written to the EDMinterface current output device.See Also:Constant Field Values
public static final long USER_OUTPUT_TO_STDOUT
Specifies that the result from the Express-X functions xpxPrintf and xpxOutputValue will be written to the EDMinterface current output device.When none of the options USER_OUTPUT_TO_FILE or USER_OUTPUT_TO_STDOUT are set, then the output from these functionsi will be written to the actual logFile if defined, else the output from these functions will be written to the EDMinterface current output device.See Also:Constant Field Values
public static final long REMOTE_MODEL
The referred model is situated on the server (or emulated server if local DB).See Also:Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail
public MergerOptions()
, multiple selections available,