

Interface EDMFormalParameter

  • public interface EDMFormalParameter

    Copyright(C) EPM Technology AS.

    Version:3.70Author:Arve Rasmussen - EPM Technology AS.

    • Method Detail

      • getName

        java.lang.String getName()
                          throws EdmiException

        Get EDMFormalParameter name.

        Returns:a String object.Throws:EdmiException - if the method fails

      • getTypeAttr

        java.lang.String getTypeAttr()
                              throws EdmiException


      • getValueType

        EDMSelect getValueType()
                        throws EdmiException

        Get EDMFormalParameter value type. Conventions are: 
        If type is an INSTANCE: 
        -- .getSdaiType() == PrimitiveTypes.sdaiINSTANCE 
        -- .getInstance() == EDMInstance for parameter definition (ENTITY_DEFINITION) 
        If type is an AGGREGATE: 
        -- .getSdaiType() == PrimitiveTypes.sdaiAGGR 
        -- .getAggregate().getAggregateType() == sdaisdaiXXXX 
        Other types like INTEGER etc: 
        -- .getSdaiType() == PrimitiveTypes.sdaiXXXX

        Returns:A select denoting the typeThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails