


Interface EDMRepository

  • All Superinterfaces:EDMContextDependent, EDMData, EDMInstance

    public interface EDMRepository
    extends EDMInstance

    This interface represents a existing or non-existing repository in local or remote context. Mostly used for local/remote interchange operations (now).
    • Method Detail

      • create

        void create()
             throws EdmiException

        Create repository using name and context for this wrapper

        Throws:EdmiException - If the method fails.

      • delete

        void delete()
             throws EdmiException

        Delete repository using name and context for this wrapper

        Throws:EdmiException - If the method fails.

      • getModel

        EDMModel getModel(java.lang.String name)
                   throws EdmiException

        Retrieve a model in this repository

        Parameters:name - model nameReturns:model wrapper, null if not foundThrows:EdmiException - f the method fails

      • listModels

        EDMModel[] listModels()
                       throws EdmiException

        Retrieve all models in this repository

        Returns:list of modelsThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails

      • getOpenMode

        int getOpenMode()
                 throws EdmiException

        Check open mode

        Returns:current open modeThrows:EdmiException - if the method failsSee Also:EDMConstants.OpenModes

      • setOpenMode

        void setOpenMode(int openMode)
                  throws EdmiException

        Open or close the Repository with specified mode

        Parameters:openMode - requested modeThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails

      • openRepository

        void openRepository(int openMode)
                     throws EdmiException

        This method will open the model based on the given model.

        Parameters:openMode - An integer based on EDMCOnstants.openModesThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails

      • closeRepository

        void closeRepository()
                      throws EdmiException

        This method will close the repository.

        Throws:EdmiException - if the method fails