


Interface EDMServer

  • public interface EDMServer

    The EDMServer interface provides functions and data that are common for multiple or all all contexts
    • Method Detail

      • isRemote

        boolean isRemote()

        Returns boolean indication of remote or not

        Returns:true if the server denotes a REMOYTE connection, false if LOCAL connection

      • getConfiguration

        EDMRow getConfiguration()
                         throws EdmiException

        Retrieve a memory instance representing EDM internal configuration for this interface. Use getAttrBN and setAttrBN to modify data in memory, and "flush()" to write back to database/interface.

        Returns:internal settings wrapper.Throws:EdmiException - if the method fails

      • communication

        EDMRow communication()
                      throws EdmiException

        Retrieve communication paramneter set

        Returns:communication parameter wrapperThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails

      • isConnected

        boolean isConnected()
                     throws EdmiException

        Check connection status for server

        Returns:true if the server is connectedThrows:EdmiException - If the method fails.

      • connect

        void connect(java.lang.String password)
              throws EdmiException

        Connect to the EDMServer

        Parameters:password - superuser password, null if not relevantThrows:EdmiException - If the method fails.

      • disconnect

        void disconnect()
                 throws EdmiException

        Disconnecti from the the EDMserver

        Throws:EdmiException - If the method fails.

      • getDatabase

        EDMDatabase getDatabase(java.lang.String location,
                                java.lang.String database_name,
                                java.lang.String password)
                         throws EdmiException

        Get a wrapper for an existing or non-existing EDM database.

        Parameters:location - Specifies the path to the directory where the database is located. The location can be specified as an absolute path or as a relative path to the working directory of the actual EDMserver. The location argument can be specified with and without the directory delimiter character as the last character in the directory path. The directory delimiter character is '\\' on the Windows platforms and '/' on the Unix platforms.database_name - Specifies the name of the EDMdatabase. EDMdatabase names are case sensitive on the UNIX platforms and case insensitive on the Windows platforms.password - Specifies the password for the actual database. The password for the database is defined when a new EDMdatabase is created.Returns:Database wrapperThrows:EdmiException - If the method fails.

      • isDatabaseOpen

        boolean isDatabaseOpen()
                        throws EdmiException

        Check if the database is open

        Returns:trtrue if the database is open false elseThrows:EdmiException - If the method fails

      • getSdaiSessionId

        long getSdaiSessionId()

        Retrieve SDAI session id for backward compability. Only for jexpress2 experts.

        Returns:SDAI session id

      • whoIsOn

        EDMQueryResult whoIsOn()
                        throws EdmiException

        Return a table with current connections to the server

        Returns:An EDMQueryRresult representing the table over connectionsThrows:EdmiException - if the method fails

      • getVersionInfo

        EDMServerVersionInfo getVersionInfo()
                                     throws EdmiException

        Return the version information from a local db.

        Returns:EDMServerVersionInfo Object in a local context. Null in Remote contextThrows:EdmiException - if error found

      • getVersionInfo

        EDMServerVersionInfo getVersionInfo(long clientId)
                                     throws EdmiException

        Return the remote version information from a Remote server.

        Parameters:clientId - the id of the client that you want the version info forReturns:RemoteVersionInfo Object in a Remote context. Null in local contextThrows:EdmiException - if cannot find the information

      • getAndUseLicenseKey

        void getAndUseLicenseKey(java.lang.String str)
                          throws EdmiException

        Used with getVersionInfo

        Parameters:str - the license keyThrows:EdmiException - EdmiException

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