Installing license with no internet connection

Installing license with no internet connection

If you have no connection to internet, InstallLicenseKey.exe is not capable to install the license key. Then the customer must run a web procedure to get the license key generated and install it manually. If this is the case, the following message will pop up:

Figure 3 Screen shot of error message when installing license key
As you see the customer is advised to start License key order form (EDM5 | EDMsix). This web application looks as follows: 
In this web form the customer enters License Id, Password, Machine Id and Machine Name / Description and press the Submit button. If the license generation was successfully, the Jotne EPM Technology license server returns with a form like the following:

In the form you get a manual procedure for installing the license key which is:

  1. Start Settings->Control Panel->System.
  2. Open the Advanced Pane in the system properties dialog.
  3. Press the Environment variables button.
  4. Add a new system variable with Variable name = "EDM_LIC_103" and variable value = "1ZMZ5YW-6aAln5h5nuFzy0NNRRdSgqvvsR'kkUVgGHwl11'dR,S18o0,gd4EOdMb7eCPh4(hmKz(JmMV1,,/"


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