Attach to remote client

Attach to remote client

This command shall be used to catch remote call and debug it. SeeDefine remote debug conditions and Define Server Context

After “Ok” is clicked in case of success attachment, window “Debugger” shall be shown. It shall be possible to debug corresponding query or map schema execution.


Server context name:

Specifed name of server context. Define Server Context
When activating corresponding Select button, the name of all defined server contexts will be displayed in the related selection list.

Client id:

Client identifier to attach to. If any available, one shall be chosen by clicking corresponding Select button.

Max. waiting time:

Time in seconds. But what does that really mean…


accumulating command output:

A global option that appends the command output to the EDMsupervisor output window. Otherwise the output window is refreshed and only the last command output is displayed.

match selected input:


wait for debugable client


delete debug condition after operation

If checked, specified debug condition will be deleted. See “Reset remote debug comditions“

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