System requirements
Requirements for installing and running the Express Data Manager are listed below. Special the EDMserver needs much memory if it should serve several EDMclients.
- Administration rights on the computer when installing
- Minimum 2 Gbytes of RAM.
- Minimum 1 GBytes of free disk-space
Encryption of Schemata
20230228 AET Deprecated/Incorrect
In order to protect source code, a system for encrypting schema files and use of the encrypted files in EDM is implemented. The encryption is symmetAET 2023-02-28 Deprecated/incorrectric, which means that a file encrypted with an encryption key, the file is decrypted with the same key. The encryption is done with the windowscrypt.execommand line program with two commands, -enc and -dec. The commands with parameters are:
Encryption: crypt -enc <input file> <crypted file> <key value>
Decryption: crypt -dec <crypted file> <output file> <key value>
An encrypted file can be compiled by the EDM compiler without supplying the enc/decryption key. This can be done since the enc/decryption key is saved in a safe way in the encrypted file. By this feature a customer can install software without having the possibility to see the source code.
In case of problems at customer system using encrypted source, it is possible to decrypt and see the source. Normally the EDMsupervisor commands displaying source will give the error message "No source of schema available". But if the enc/decryption key is supplied by the EDMsupervisor command System Adm>Set decryption key, the displaying source commands will display source code as if the source is not encrypted.
Upgrading the EDM database
20230228 AET A bit Outdated
If your old EDMdatabase version is not equal to the newly installed EDM system will provide you with an error message. Hence to use databases created by previous versions of EXPRESS Data Manager the old databases must be upgraded. Please read carefully the description in the below chapter Upgrading of EDMdatabases before you install the EXPRESS Data Manager.
Procedure I
Please note that the EDM Dump/restore feature is NOT designed as a backup system for EDMdatabases. The intended purpose of the current EDM Dump/Restore feature is to simplify the transfer of data between incompatible versions of EDMdatabases. The simplest way of backing up an EDMdatabase is to copy the directory that hosts the actual database.
Step 1:
BEFORE installing the new EDM system:
For ALL EDMdatabases you want to upgrade, you should make use of your current EDMsupervisor to dump the databases to a corresponding directory using the command 'Database>Dump'. Please make sure that the options [Ignore Data] and [Ignore Dictionary Data] are unchecked in the command dialogue box, before the command is issued.
Step 2:
Uninstall the currently installed EXPRESS Data Manager.
Step 3:
Install the new EDM system.
Step 4:
The restore of dumped databases can be done at once for all of them, or postponed until there is an actual need to make use of one. Restore a dumped EDMdatabase with the new version of EDM:
Step 4.1
Create a new database with the same name as the one you want to restore.
Step 4.2
Then make use of the EDMsupervisor command 'Database>Restore' to restore the database. Please make sure you have unchecked the [Ignore Data] and [Ignore Dictionary Data] options in the command dialogue box.
Step 4.3
The old database may now be deleted.
Procedure II
Step 1:
BEFORE installing the new EDM system:
Step 1.1
Make use of the current EDMsupervisor and export all data models using the Data>ExportModel command. All models in the DataRepository and in all user-defined repositories should be exported. On WINDOWS OS the VisualExpress repository should be exported as well. Models in the SystemRepository and in the DictionaryRepository should NOT be exported.
Step 1.2
Export all Express schemata to file using the 'Schemata>ShowSchema' command.
The boot schemas:
- EXPRESS_G (On Windows only)
should NOT be exported.
Step 1.3
Export all EDMexpressX schemata to file using the'Schemata>EXPRESS-X>ShowSchemata' command.
Step 1.4
Export all EDMruleSchemas to file using the 'Schemata>RuleSchema>ShowSchemata' command. (Check all Express schemas for EDMruleSchemas)
Step 1.5
Export all EDMquerySchema using the 'Schemata>QuerySchema>ShowSchemata' command. (Check all Express schemas for EDMquerySchemas)
Step 2:
Uninstall the currently installed EXPRESS Data Manager.
Step 3:
Install the new EDM system.
Step 4:
Step 4.1
Use your new EDMsupervisor to create a new database with a name of your free choice.
Step 4.2
Make use of the EDMsupervisor command Schemata>DefineSchema to define exported Express schemata in the new database
Step 4.3
Make use of the EDMsupervisor command Schemata>EXPRESS-X>DefineSchema to define exported EDMexpressX schemata in the new database.
Step 4.4
Make use of the EDMsupervisor command Schemata>RuleSchema>DefineSchema to define exported EDMruleSchemas in the new database.
Step 4.5
Make use of the EDMsupervisor command Schemata>QuerySchema>DefineSchema to define exported EDMquerySchemas in the new database.
Step 4.6
Make use of the EDMsupervisor command Data>ImportModel to restore exported data models. Please note that on WINDOWS should models belonging to the VisualExpress repository be imported as well.
Step 4.7
The old database may now be deleted.