Type | Name | Comment: |
AGGREGATE OF GENERIC | aggrId | A numeric aggregateID that uniquely identifies the aggregate of interest in the EDMdatabase. This may be any type of aggregate, persistent, volatile or scratch. |
INTEGER | modelVersion | The version of the edmModel to apply this function call on. The <modelVersion> parameter is a numeric sequence number counting from one by increments of one for each new model version that is created. A zero model version number means the current version. |
STRING | condition | A conditional statement, written in Express-X, that the instances shall match. |
INTEGER | options | The options are equivalent to the options used in the EDMinterface function edmiSelectAggrElements except for the XPX prefix |
STRING | attributes | Specification of the name and contents of each column of the returned query result table. The following examples illustrate the SYNTAX. |
AGGREGATE OF GENERIC | include_exclude_filter | The numeric id of an aggregate containing the names or ids of the entities that will be affected by this filter. If the option xpxFILTER_AS_ENTITY_IDS is used, this parameter will be interpreted as an aggregate of instance ids, each defining an entity. If the option xpxFILTER_AS_ENTITY_NAMES is used, this parameter will be interpreted as an aggregate containing entity names. If the option xpxINCLUDE_FILTER is used, no instances but those of a type contained in the aggregate will be included. If the option xpxEXCLUDE_FILTER is used, all instances but those of a type contained in the aggregate will be included. |
STRING | orderBy | Name of the query result column to use for sorting. The column may be specified by its constructor or by the column title. If the <attributes> argument is: "DOG.NAME->DOG", the order by argument may be either "DOG" or "DOG.NAME". This argument is only applicable when one of the options xpxHTML_FORMAT or xpxASCII_FORMAT is used. Use the options xpxASCENDING and xpxDESCENDING to specify the sorting direction. |
INTEGER | firstIndex | The index of the aggregate element to start searching at. The index of the first element in the actual aggregate will always be index zero, independent of the aggregate type. Hence the legal index range is: 0<= index < number of elements in the aggregate. |
INTEGER | maxHits | Specifies the maximum number of matching instances to return in the <resultString> or in the query result. |
STRING | xmlConfigurationName | The name of the XML configuration to apply to the resulting XML formatted query result when the option xpxXML_FORMAT is used. |
STRING | resultFileName | The name of the file that will contain the returned XML, HTML or ASCII formatted query result. Only applicable when using the xpxRESULT_IN_FILE option in combination with one of the options xpxHTML_FORMAT, xpxASCII_FORMAT or xpxXML_FORMAT. Use the xpxZIPPED_FILE option to compress the generated file. |
INTEGER | indexOfLastFound | The index of the "last returned matching element". This argument enables the caller to search for instances in an incremental way by specifying this returned "index value plus one" as the input to the next xpxSelectAggrInstancesEx function and so on. |
INTEGER | actualHits | The number of found matching instances. |
INTEGER | queryResultIndex | The index that may be used to identify the queryResult that was generated by the call to this procedure. is used to specify the actual EDMinstanceHashTable.
STRING | resultString | Variable that will receive the returned XML formatted query result when the options xpxRESULT_IN_STRING and xpxXML_FORMAT are used. |