EDMexpressX Language

EDMexpressX Language

EDMexpressX is the mapping language implemented in the EXPRESS Data Manager for defining the mapping (conversion) of a data set from one structure to another. Both structures are defined in the ISO 10303 EXPRESS language.
The specification of EDMexpressX is based on the following:

  • ISO 10303-11: The EXPRESS Language Reference Manual.
  • ISO TC184/SC4/WG11/N002: The EXPRESS-X Reference Manual of August 21, 1996.
  • Experiences from using the previous versions of an EXPRESS-X mapping language in commercial implementations since begin of 1997.
  • Requirements to a mapping language within the EXPRESS and STEP communities.

EDMexpressX has the following main functionalities:

  • Definition of the mapping of a given data set from one structure to another.
  • Definition of the conversion of a data set from one EXPRESS schema version to another version of the same EXPRESS schema.
  • Programming language constructs for manipulating data in the EXPRESS Data Manager.

Work is going on within STEP to define a version of the mapping language EXPRESS-X that shall be an ISO standard. The SYNTAX of the EDMexpressX is an extension to the EXPRESS language as defined in ISO 10303-11: The EXPRESS Language Reference Manual. The EDMexpressX SYNTAX specification in this document specifies the extensions and changes in the EDMexpressX SYNTAX with respect to the EXPRESS language. Hence the specification of the EXPRESS language should be read together with this specification to get the complete specification of the EDMexpressX language.

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