- Name: User-defined name of the configuration
- Port: EDMsixServer port number
- Application server count: The number of running EDMsixAppServers
- App server tmp directory: Temporary folder for all EDMsixAppServers.
- EDM logon method: Different methods for login into the EDM system.
- Server client files path: Path for client files on EDMsixServer side.
- User creation method: How EDMsixServer will create EDM users.
- Extended name character set: Additional legal characters that can be used inside EDMsixServer database.
- Backup first start time: Defines day of week and time when the first backup will be done. Blank day of week means "today".
- Backup interval: Defines backup interval in days, hours and minutes between backups.
- Additional argument: The given string will be added to the EDMsixServer command line arguments without any modifications. As an example: -ae" EDM_SERVER_CLIENTS_FILES_PATH_UTF8_ENCODED=path".
- Appserver additional arguments: The given string will be added to the EDMsixAppServer command line arguments without any modifications.