xpxExecuteQueryBN(modelId : GENERIC;
querySchemaName, queryName : STRING; arguments, options : INTEGER;VAR queryResultIdex : GENERIC;VAR queryResult : GENERIC; argument1, . . . , argumentN : GENERIC) status : INTEGER;
The xpxExecuteQueryBN function invokes the specified EDMquery with the specified arguments on the specified data model. An EDMquery is defined in an EDMquerySchema. An EDMquerySchema is defined in an EDMdatabase by the xpxDefineQuerySchema operation. The execution of an EDMquery is fully performed by the EDMexpressVM.
The result of the EDMquery is returned to the caller. The data required to hold the result data is allocated by the xpxExecuteQuery operation. The operation xpxFreeQueryResult should be invoked by the calling application to free the result data when it is no longer needed.
The actual data model must be open before this operation can be successfully performed. If the query is supposed to update the model, the model must be open for read and write access. See xpxOpenModel or xpxOpenModelBN for details.
It is recommended to use the EDMsupervisor and the interactive EDMdebugger to test and debug all Express and Express-X schemata executed by the EDMexpressVM, including EDMquery.
This function is equivalent to the EDMinterface function edmiExecuteQueryBN.
It is strongly advised to use the following functions for nested query levels