Returns the primitive data type of a value stored in an attribute of a given application instance within a model version other than the current.
Related functions: edmiCreateModelVersion, edmiDeleteModelVersion, edmiDeleteModelVersionBN, edmiGetModelVersionId, edmiGetModelVersionIdBN, edmiRollbackModel, edmiRollbackModelBN, edmiVersionGetAttr, edmiVersionGetAttrBN, edmiVersionGetAttrDatatype, edmiVersionGetAttrDatatypeBN.
#include "sdai.h"
EdmiError edmiVersionGetAttrDatatype(SdaiInstance instance,
SdaiVersion version,
SdaiAttr attributeId,
SdaiPrimitiveType *datatype);
instance |
The instanceID of an application instance in the edmModel for which the data type of the actual stored data in a given attribute shall be checked for an earlier version of the model. |
version |
The version number of the edmModel in question. The version number is a sequence number counting from one with an increment of one for each new model version created. |
attributeId |
A numeric attributeID that uniquely identifies the attribute definition instance in the EDMdatabase. |
datatype |
Address of a variable that will receive the primitive type of the data stored in the given attribute of <instance> for the <version> of the edmModel. |
A completion code of datatype EdmiError is the returned function value. The completion code has the following values:
Completion code = 0 : Operation successfully performed.
Completion code != 0: Error in operation. Completion code is an EDMinterface error code. Use edmiGetErrorText to get the error text corresponding to the error code.
EdmiError rstat;
SdaiInteger nWrn, nErr;
SdaiRepository repId;
SdaiModel modelId;
SdaiVersion version1Id, version2Id;
SdaiModelVersion modelVersionId;
SdaiInteger myInteger;
SdaiReal myReal;
SdaiInstance instId;
SdaiAttr attrId;
SdaiPrimitiveType type;
/* Compile schema */
rstat = edmiCompileFile("c:/data/MyFile.exp",
"MySchema", 0, &nWrn, &nErr);
/* Create Model */
rstat = edmiGetRepository("MyRepository", &repId);
modelId = edmiCreateModelBN(repId, "MyModel", "MySchema", 0);
/* Populate Model */
instId = edmiCreateInstanceAndPutAttrsBN(modelId, "MyEntity", 1,
"REAL_ATTR", sdaiREAL, 3.14);
/* Create version 1 */
rstat = edmiCreateModelVersion("MyRepository", "MyModel",
"V1", &modelVersionId);
/* Change population */
sdaiPutAttrBN(instId, "REAL_ATTR", sdaiINTEGER, 1);
/* Create version 2 */
rstat = edmiCreateModelVersion("MyRepository", "MyModel",
NULL, &modelVersionId);
/* Get Id of version 1 */
rstat = edmiGetModelVersionIdBN("MyRepository", "MyModel",
"V1", &modelVersionId, &version1Id);
/* Type is sdaiREAL */
rstat = edmiVersionGetAttrDatatypeBN(instId, version1Id,
"REAL_ATTR", &type);
/* Value is 3.14 */
if (type != sdaiREAL) goto error;
rstat = edmiVersionGetAttrBN(instId, version1Id, "REAL_ATTR",
type, &myReal);
/* Get Id of version 2 */
attrId = sdaiGetAttrDefinitionBN("MySchema", "MyEntity", "REAL_ATTR");
rstat = edmiGetModelVersionId(modelId, "version2",
&modelVersionId, &version2Id);
/* Type is now sdaiINTEGER */
rstat = edmiVersionGetAttrDatatype(instId, version2Id,
attrId, &type);
/* Value is 1 */
if (type != sdaiINTEGER) goto error;
rstat = edmiVersionGetAttr(instId, version2Id, attrId,
type, &myInteger);
/* Roll back to version 1 */
rstat = edmiRollbackModel(modelId, version1Id,
/* Delete version 2 */
edmiDeleteModelVersion(modelId, version2Id);
. . .