

EdmiError edmiGetAllAttrsOfEntity(SdaiEntity  entity,
                                   SdaiInteger *nAttributes, 
                                   SdaiAttr    *attributes);

Returns the attributeID of all attributes belonging to the specified entity definition instance. Redeclared and inherited attributes will also be returned. The inherited attributes will be returned first in the resulting buffer, hence the order of the attributes is the same as the order on a STEP Physical File and as displayed by the EDMsupervisor Schemata>FlattenEntity command. An attributeID uniquely defines an attribute definition instance in an EDMdatabase

In this context entity definition also represents a view_entity, and an attributeID also represents a view_entity attributeID.


The dictionary model that contains the specified entity definition or view_entity instance must be open before this operation can be successfully performed.




A numeric entityID that uniquely identifies the entity definition or view_entity instance of interest in the EDMdatabase.  The entityID is returned by the sdaiGetEntity function.



This argument has an in-value and an out-value:

  • In-value: The maximum number of attributeID to receive. This should normally be the number of attributeID that can be placed in the buffer specified in the <attributes> argument.
  • Out-value: The actual number of attributeID returned in the <attributes> argument.


Address of the buffer in the calling application that will receive the attributeID of all attributes that belongs to the specified entity definition or view_entity instance. Redeclared attributes and inherited attributes will be included in the returned set of attributes. The order of the attributes is as described in ISO 10303 Part 21.

Return Value

Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : User 'null' does not have permission to view the page 'US:_r_EDMInterface'.





i nt i;
 EdmiError rstat;
 SdaiInteger nAttributes;
 SdaiEntity personId;
 SdaiAttr attributes[MAX_ATTRS];
 . . .
 nAttributes = ATTRS;
 if (rstat = edmiGetAllAttrsOfEntity(personId,
 attributes)) { 
 /* Error in operation */ 
 printf("\nError: %s in edmiGetAllAttrsOfEntity\n", 
 goto error; 
 /* Print out the instanceId of the attributes */
 for (i = 0; i < nAttributes; i++) {
 printf("\nattributeId: %12lu",attributes[i]);
 . . . 


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