EdmiError edmiRemoteGetMemberCount(SdaiServerContext serverContextId, SdaiAggr aggrId, SdaiVersion version, SdaiInteger *members, SdaiInvocationId *edmiInvocationId);
Returns the number of elements in an aggregate in a remote EDMdatabase
Type | Name | Comment |
SdaiServerContext | serverContextId | Context identification, from edmiDefineServerContext |
SdaiAggr | aggrId | A numeric aggregateID that uniquely identifies the aggregate of interest in the remote EDMdatabase |
SdaiVersion | version | The version of the edmModel to apply this function call on. The <version> parameter is a numeric sequence number counting from one by increments of one for each new model version that is created. A zero model version number means the current version. |
SdaiInteger | members | A variable that will receive the number of elements in the aggregate. |
SdaiInvocationId | edmiInvocationId | Currently not used. |
Return Value
Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : User 'null' does not have permission to view the page 'US:_r_EDMInterface'.
/* SCHEMA Employees ENTITY person; Name : STRING; Age : INTEGER; END_ENTITY; ENTITY Manning; DivisionStaff : ARRAY [0:4] OF SET OF person; END_ENTITY; END_SCHEMA; */ int i; EdmiError rstat; SdaiInteger nHits, nEmployees, index; SdaiServerContext myContext; SdaiInstance manningId; SdaiAggr parentAggrId, childAggrId; SdaiQueryResult qexRes; SdaiAggrType aggrType; SdaiInteger lowerBound, upperBound, members; SdaiInstance elementId, domainId; SdaiBoolean isOptional, isUnique; SdaiPrimitiveType dataType; /* Create Server Context */ rstat = edmiDefineServerContext("MyContext", "Johnny", "Supervisor", "cf37ftr", "TCP", "9090", "MyServerHost", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &myContext); /* Get the manningId instance. It is assumed that there is only one instance of type Manning */ index = 0; nHits = 1; rstat = edmiRemoteSelectInstances(myContext, "AdminRepository", "Employees", "Manning", NULL, ONLY_INSTANCE_IDS, NULL, NULL, NULL, &index, &nHits, &qexRes, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); manningId = qexRes->instanceIds[0]; edmiFreeQueryResult(qexRes); /* Get the parent aggregate Id */ rstat = edmiRemoteGetAttrsBN(myContext, manningId, 0, 1, NULL, "DivisionStaff", sdaiAGGR, &parentAggrId); /* Get the parent aggregate descriptor */ rstat = edmiRemoteGetAggrDescr(myContext, parentAggrId, &aggrType, &lowerBound, &upperBound, &elementId, &domainId, &isOptional, &isUnique, &dataType, &members, NULL); /* Count the employees in all divisions */ for (i=lowerBound; i<=upperBound; i++) { rstat = edmiRemoteGetAggrElement(myContext, parentAggrId, 0, i, sdaiAGGR, &childAggrId, NULL); rstat = edmiRemoteGetMemberCount(myContext, childAggrId, 0, &nEmployees, NULL); printf("\nDivision %d: %d employees.", i, nEmployees); } . . .
See also
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