

FUNCTION xpfGetModelOpenModeBN (repositoryName : STRING
                                modelId        : STRING)
                                modelOpenMode  : INTEGER;

The xpfGetModelOpenMode function returns the current open mode in the argument <modelOpenMode>, i.e. the current access rights to the specified model as specified by the arguments <repositoryName> and <modelName>. The combination of the <repositoryName> and <modelName> arguments uniquely identifies a model in an EDMdatabase


STRINGmodelNameThe name of the model within the EDMdatabase
STRINGrepositoryNameThe name of the repository within the EDMdatabase

Return Value


INTEGERmodelOpenModeAccess right for the given model. The possible values are
  • xpxRO  - model open for read only access.
  • xpxRW  - model open for read and write access.
  • xpxERW   - model open for exclusive read/write operations in an edmServer implementation (in a standalone implementation, xpxERW is equal to xpxRW)
  • xpxNOACCESS - model is closed, no access to the model is permitted.




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