

EdmiError   edmiRemoteWriteStepFile3Ex (SdaiServerContext       serverContextId,
                                        SdaiString              remoteModelRepositoryName,
                                        SdaiString              remoteModelName,
                                        SdaiString              remoteHeaderModelRepositoryName,
                                        SdaiString              remoteHeaderModelName,
                                        SdaiString              stepFile,
                                        SdaiString              diaFileName,
                                        SdaiString              shortNamesFile,
                                        SdaiOptions             options,
                                        SdaiInteger             realPrecision,
                                        SdaiInteger             stringEncodingCode,
                                        SdaiString              schemaNameOnStepFile, 
                                        SdaiVoid                filterBuffer,         
                                        SdaiInteger            *nbWarnings,
                                        SdaiInteger            *nbErrors,
                                        EdmiError              *sdaiError,
                                        SdaiInvocationId       *edmiInvocationId);

Invokes the EDMp21Handler to produce a STEP Physical File representation of the population of an edmModel in the remote EDMdatabase specified by the given server context. The STEP Physical File format is defined in ISO 10303-21: Clear text encoding of the exchange structures. A STEP Physical File is also referred to as a Part 21 file. STEP Physical File is one of the implementation forms of ISO 10303, and can be used to exchange data between two EDMdatabase s or between one EDMdatabase and any ISO 10303-21 conformant application. The STEP Physical File can also be used for long-term archiving of the data. The Header Section part of the STEP Physical file can be produced from an existing header model in the EDMdatabase or a default Header Section can be produced when no header model is specified as input argument to this function. A header model is a model of the HEADER_SECTION_SCHEMA defined in ISO 10303-21. The default Header Section can be configured by setting the EDM system variable EDM_STEP_FILE_AUTHOR.


Instance types are defined by names, i.e., an entity name in the underlying schema of the actual model is "checked" against an entity with the same name in the schemaNameOnStepFile" schema.



2SdaiServerContextserverContextIdContext identification, from edmiDefineServerContext
3SdaiStringremoteModelRepositoryNameThe name of the edmRepository in the remote EDMdatabase that contains the edmModel. Repository names are case sensitive.
4SdaiStringremoteModelNameThe name of the edmModel. Model names are case sensitive.
5SdaiStringremoteHeaderModelRepositoryNameThe name of the edmRepository in the remote EDMdatabase that contains the STEP Header Model. Repository names are case sensitive.
6SdaiStringremoteHeaderModelNameThe name of the STEP Header Model that will be mapped to the Header Section in the resulting STEP Physical file. Model names are case sensitive. All instances in the STEP Header Model will be mapped to as is to the STEP Physical file Header Section, except for the attribute FILE_DESCRIPTION.IMPLEMENTATION_LEVEL which will be set according to the mapping method specified by one of the options CONFORMANCE_CLASS_1, CONFORMANCE_CLASS_2 and EDM_PRIVATE_FORMAT. The attribute FILE_NAME.TIME_STAMP will be set to current date and time. When the NO_HEADER_CHANGE option is set, the specified STEP header model will be mapped as is, i.e., also the attribute values described above will be mapped from the specified STEP header model to the STEP Physical file. When this argument is left blank, a default STEP Header Section is generated. The default header section can be configured by setting the EDM system variable EDM_STEP_FILE_AUTHOR.
7SdaiStringstepFileThe name of the STEP Physical File to create on the local disk. The default file extension is .stp
8SdaiStringdiaFileNameThe name of an optional file that will receive the diagnostic information resulting from the generating of the STEP Physical File. If this argument is NULL, the diagnostics will be written to the EDMinterface current output device. The EDMinterface current output device can be defined by the edmiDefineOutputFunction operation.
9SdaiStringshortNamesFileThe name of the file containing the mapping matrix between the full entity names and their corresponding unique short names.
10SdaiOptionsoptionsSee list of available options below.
11SdaiIntegerrealPrecisionDenotes the number of significant digits after the decimal point for REAL numbers in the resulting STEP Physical file. When <realPrecision> is set to zero, a system dependent default value is used.
12SdaiIntegerstringEncodingCodeThe file string encoding
13SdaiStringschemaNameOnStepFileexpress schema name written i header section of step file
14SdaiVoidfilterBufferaddress to NULL terminated InstanceId or entity name buffer
15SdaiIntegernbWarningsVariable that will receive the number of warnings resulting from exporting the STEP Physical file.
16SdaiIntegernbErrorsVariable that will receive the number of errors resulting from exporting the STEP Physical file.
17EdmiErrorsdaiErrorVariable that will receive any EDMinterface error code resulting from exporting the data in the STEP Physical file it self. System errors in general wil not be returned in this variable.
18SdaiInvocationIdedmiInvocationIdCurrently not used.

Return Value

Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : User 'null' does not have permission to view the page 'US:_r_EDMInterface'.




2ENTITY_INSTANCE_ID_FILTERThe filterBuffer is an array of entityInstanceIds
3ENTITY_NAME_FILTERThe filterBuffer is an array of entityNames
4INCLUDE_ENTITIES_FILTERThe filterBuffer is an include filter, i.e., only the instance types in the filterBuffer will be written to the STEP file
5EXCLUDE_ENTITIES_FILTERAll instance types in the actual model, except those specified in the filterBuffer, will be written to the STEP file
6NO_STRING_ENCODINGSpecifies that no encoding will take place when mapping a STRING data type to the STEP Physical file. The ISO 10303-21 specifies that all characters in a string with an ASCII value less than 32 or greater than 126 should be encoded in a STEP Physical file.
7NO_LINE_BREAKSThe exported instances will not be separated with new-line characters in the STEP Physical file.
8NO_HEADER_CHANGEThe header model specified by the <headerModelName> argument will be mapped to the actual STEP Physical file without any changes. Normally the mapping method, time stamp, and schema name will be provided by the EDMstepHandler function, but not when this option is set. This argument is only effective when a header model is specified in the <headerModelName> argument.
9SHORT_NAMESThe short names specified in the <shortNamesFile> argument will be used for entity names in the resulting STEP Physical file.
10EDM_IDENTIFIERSSpecifies that the EDMdatabase instanceID will be used as instance identifiers in the STEP Physical File. This makes it easier to find the correlation between a stepIds in the STEP Physical file and their corresponding instanceIds in the EDMdatabase.
11CONFORMANCE_CLASS_1The STEP Physical file will be exported according to ISO 10303-21:1994/TC1 CC1. The mapping format will be written to the header section of the STEP file. CONFORMANCE_CLASS_1 is the default mapping method. The options CONFORMANCE_CLASS_1, CONFORMANCE_CLASS_2, and EDM_PRIVATE_FORMAT are mutually exclusive.
12UTF8_ENCODED_FILE_NAMESCan use UTF8 string encoding in file names






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