The configuration tab lists all the available runtime settings for the EDMsixServer and EDMsixAppServers
To manage the EDMsixServer configuration use the "Configuration" menu item or right click in the "Configuration" tab to either add, edit or delete a server configuration
To add a new runtime server configuration click on the "Add new server configuration", this will open the "New runtime configuration" dialog.
For a full description of each item within the "New runtime configuration" dialog refer to the EDM help manual. Below you can find a brief description of each item.
- Name: User-defined name of the configuration
- Port: EDMsixServer port number
- Application server count: The number of running EDMsixAppServers
- App server tmp directory: Temporary folder for all EDMsixAppServers.
- EDM logon method: Different methods for login into the EDM system.
- Server client files path: Path for client files on EDMsixServer side.
- User creation method: How EDMsixServer will create EDM users.
- Extended name character set: Additional legal characters that can be used inside EDMsixServer database.
- Backup first start time: Defines day of week and time when the first backup will be done.
- Additional argument: The given string will be added to the EDMsixServer command line arguments without any modifications. As an example: -ae" EDM_SERVER_CLIENTS_FILES_PATH_UTF8_ENCODED=path".
- Appserver additional arguments: The given string will be added to the EDMsixAppServer command line arguments without any modifications.
To edit an existing EDMsixServer configuration, select the configuration from the list and click on the "Edit EDMsixServer configuration" menu item, this will open the "Edit EDMsixServer configuration"
To delete a configuration, select the configuration item and click on the "Delete EDMsixServer configuration" menu item.