xpfCreateIterator (aggrId : GENERIC)
iteratorId : GENERIC;
The xpfCreateIterator function creates a new iterator and connects the created iterator, <iteratorId> as returned by the function, to the specified aggregate, <aggrId>.
An iterator is an element position pointer in an aggregate. An iterator can be connected to all types of aggregates. The aggregate element pointed to by the iterator is called the current element of the iterator. Initially the created iterator is positioned at the beginning of the aggregate, i.e. before the first element in the aggregate. Hence, there is no current element of the actual iterator. The first subsequent xpxNext operation will position the iterator to the first element in the connected aggregate.
A numeric iteratorID that uniquely identifies the created iterator in the actual EDMserver session is returned. This iteratorID should be used in subsequent EDMinterface operations to identify the actual iterator within the same EDMserver session. All iterators created within an open EDMserver session will be deleted when the actual EDMserver session is closed and the actual iterator has not been deleted by the xpxDeleteIterator function.
An iteratorID is local to the application that creates the iterator.
This function is equivalent to the EDMinterface function sdaiCreateIterator.
See also xpxCreateIterator.