xpxExecuteQueryBNEx(modelId : GENERIC; modelVersion : INTEGER; querySchemaName, queryName : STRING; options : INTEGER; columnNames : STRING; orderBy : STRING; xmlConfigurationName : STRING; encodingEDM, encodingXML : STRING; resultFileName : STRING; arguments : INTEGER; VAR queryResultIndex : INTEGER; VAR queryResult : GENERIC; VAR resultString : STRING; argument1, ..., argumentN : GENERIC) status : INTEGER;
To be completed.
The xpxExecuteQueryBNEX function invokes the specified EDMquery with the specified arguments on the specified data model. An EDMquery is defined in an EDMquerySchema. An EDMquerySchema is defined in an EDMdatabase by the xpxDefineQuerySchema operation. The execution of an EDMquery is fully performed by the EDMexpressVM.
Info |
It is strongly advised to use the following functions for nested query levels |
The arguments for the function are: