xpxExecuteQueryBNEx(modelId : GENERIC; modelVersion : INTEGER; querySchemaName, queryName : STRING; options : INTEGER; columnNames : STRING; orderBy : STRING; xmlConfigurationName : STRING; encodingEDM, encodingXML : STRING; resultFileName : STRING; arguments : INTEGER; VAR queryResultIndex : INTEGER; VAR queryResult : GENERIC; VAR resultString : STRING; argument1, ..., argumentN : GENERIC) status : INTEGER;
To be completed.
The xpxExecuteQueryBNEX function invokes the specified EDMquery with the specified arguments on the specified data model. An EDMquery is defined in an EDMquerySchema. An EDMquerySchema is defined in an EDMdatabase by the xpxDefineQuerySchema operation. The execution of an EDMquery is fully performed by the EDMexpressVM.
The arguments for the function are:
Argument: |
Description: |
modelId |
A numeric modelID that uniquely identifies the data model in the EDMdatabase to run the specified EDMquery on. |
modelVersion |
querySchemaName |
Specifies the name of the EDMquerySchema that defines the EDMquery of interest. This query schema must exist in the EDMdatabase. Query schema names are case insensitive |
queryName |
Specifies the name of an EDMquery function that should be invoked. EDMquery names are case insensitive. |
options |
Specifies the current EDMexpressCompiler options. The <options> value should be specified as a bitwise OR of the options to enable. See the edmiExpressToHTML function for details of available options. All option names are defined in the header file sdai.h |
columnNames |
orderBy |
xmlConfigurationName |
The name of the XML Configuration to apply to the resulting XML output. |
encodingEDM |
The encoding of data in EDM (source). Default is UTF8. Legal values are; |
encodingXML |
The desired character encoding for the resulting XML string. Default is UTF8. Legal values are; |
resultFileName |
arguments |
Number of arguments supplied to the actual EDMquery function.This number should correspond to signature of the actual EDMquery function, i.e., the <arguments> should correspond to the number of formal parameters in the actual EDMquery function declaration in the EDMquerySchema. |
queryResultIndex |
queryResult |
resultString |
Variable that will receive a pointer to an allocated string buffer containing the XML outut from the query. This parameter is only applicable when the option RESULT_IN_XML_STRING is set. |
argument1,, argumentN |
This function is equivalent to the EDMinterface function edmiExecuteQueryBNEx