xpxChangeMyUserBN(userName , groupName , password : STRING; VAR unavailableMessage : STRING; VAR sessionUserKey : INTEGER) status : INTEGER;
To be completed.
The xpxChangeMyUserBN function connects a new EDMuser/EDMgroup without disconnecting the existing connection.
The argument <userName> specifies the name of an existing EDMuser account in the actual EDMdatabase. EDMuser account names are case insensitive.
The argument <groupName> specifies the name of an existing EDMgroup account in the actual EDMdatabase. It is legal to connect to an EDMserver with <groupName> = NULL (empty). In this case no check on "group access rights" will be performed in the actual session. Models created when the creating user is connected without an EDMgroup specification will not get any "group owner".The EDMuser specified by the <userName> argument must be a member of the EDMgroup defined by the <groupName> argument.
The argument <password> specifies the password for the EDMuser specified by the <userName> argument. Initially an EDMuser is created without any password. A password can be changed by the xpxChangePassword function.
The argument <unavailableMessage> specifies the address to variable that will receive the address of a message that is returned when the edmiConnect fails, due to the fact that the EDMserver has been set unavailable by the xpxSetUnavailable function. The string returned is the argument supplied in the last xpxSetUnavailable function.
The argument <sessionUserKey> specifies?.
This function is equivalent to the EDMinterface function edmiChangeMyUserBN