EdmiError edmiDeleteMethodSignatureBN(SdaiString methodType, SdaiString methodName, SdaiString schemaName);
Deletes any additional information / documentation of a method from the EDMdatabase. A method signature is an instance of the EDM_METHOD entity in the ExpressDataManager model. A method is either an Express-X Mapping Schema or a Query Function. The method signature contains information about the required input parameters for each method. It may also contain a more general and descriptive text for documentation purposes. Query functions already have their parameters defined in the query function signature. Hence, they implicitly get a method signature definition in the ExpressDataManager model and they may therefore not be deleted. Therefore this method is only applicable on Express-X mapping schemas.
Type | Name | Comment |
SdaiString | methodType | "XPX" is currently the only applicable method type. |
SdaiString | methodName | The name that was assigned to the Express-X Mapping Schema method when it was defined. |
SdaiString | schemaName | The name of the Express-X Schema Map. |
Return Value
EdmiError rstat; SdaiInteger nErr, nWrn; SdaiInstance xpxMethodId; SdaiString parNamesXpx[4] = {"Name", "Sex", "Weight", NULL}; SdaiPrimitiveType parTypesXpx[3] = {sdaiSTRING, sdaiINTEGER, sdaiREAL}; /* Define Schemas */ rstat = edmiDefineSchema("c:/data/person.exp", "c:/temp/person.dia", "Person", 0, &nWrn, &nErr); rstat = edmiDefineSchemaMap("c:/data/person_maps.xpx", "c:/temp/person_maps.dia", 0, &nWrn, &nErr); /* Define Method Signature */ rstat = edmiDefineMethodSignature( "XPX", "Insert a Person", "InsertPerson", "CLASS_INPUT", parNamesXpx, parTypesXpx, "Inserts a new person"); . . . /* Delete Signature */ rstat = edmiDeleteMethodSignatureBN(XPX, "Insert a Person", "InsertPerson"); Express Schema - -------------------------------------------------------------- - File : c:/data/person.exp - -------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEMA person; ENTITY aperson; name : STRING; sex : STRING; weight : REAL; END_ENTITY; END_SCHEMA; Express-X Schema - -------------------------------------------------------------- - File : c:/data/person_maps.xpx - -------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEMA_MAP InsertPerson; GLOBAL DECLARE src INSTANCE OF SOURCE_SCHEMA person; DECLARE tar INSTANCE OF TARGET_SCHEMA person; END_GLOBAL; STATEMENTS; LOCAL npar : INTEGER; fail : BOOLEAN := FALSE; name : STRING; sex : INTEGER; weight : REAL; parType : INTEGER; END_LOCAL; IF (xpxGetNumberOfUserParameters() = 3) THEN xpxGetUserParameter(1, name); xpxGetUserParameter(2, sex); xpxGetUserParameter(3, weight); xpxCreateInstanceAndPutAttrsBN(XPXTARGETMODELID, "aperson", 3, xpxSTRING, name, xpxINTEGER, sex, xpxREAL, weight); } END_STATEMENTS; END_SCHEMA_MAP;
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