EdmiError edmiRemoteListMethodSignatures (SdaiServerContext serverContextId, SdaiString typeFilter, SdaiString nameFilter, SdaiString schemaFilter, SdaiString extraSchemaFilter, SdaiString methodClassFilter, SdaiString ownerFilter, SdaiString groupOwnerFilter, SdaiOptions options, SdaiString **foundNames, SdaiInvocationId *edmiInvocationId);
Returns a buffer of method signature names that meet a number of conditional statements given as input parameters.
1 | Type | Name | Comment |
2 | SdaiServerContext | serverContextId | Context identification, from edmiDefineServerContext |
3 | SdaiString | typeFilter | Express-X conditional statement that will be evaluated against the method_type attribute of all the edm_method instances of the ExpressDataManager model. The method type identificator is stored as an Express enumeration data type. Hence, only conditional statements that are valid for enumerations may be used. Do not quote the method type identificator. |
4 | SdaiString | nameFilter | Express-X conditional statement that will be evaluated against the name attribute of all edm_method instances of the ExpressDataManager model. Method names must be quoted and uppercase. |
5 | SdaiString | schemaFilter | Express-X conditional statement that will be evaluated against the attributes of the parent express schema of the query schema in which the query function method is defined. This filter is only applicable for query function methods. See entity definition of express_data_manager.edm_schema for list of available attributes. The conditional string must start with the attribute name. I.e no leading whitespace or parenthesis. |
6 | SdaiString | extraSchemaFilter | Express-X conditional statement that will be evaluated against the attributes of the query schema in which the query function method is defined. This filter is only applicable for query function methods. See entity definition of express_data_manager.edm_query_schema for list of available attributes. The conditional string must start with the attribute name. I.e no leading whitespace or parenthesis. |
7 | SdaiString | methodClassFilter | Express-X conditional statement that will be evaluated against the classification attribute of all edm_method instances of the ExpressDataManager model. |
8 | SdaiString | ownerFilter | Express-X conditional statement that will be evaluated against the attributes of the edmUser that owns the method. See entity definition of express_data_manager.edm_user for list of available attributes. The conditional string must start with the attribute name. I.e no leading whitespace or parenthesis. |
9 | SdaiString | groupOwnerFilter | Express-X conditional statement that will be evaluated against the attributes of the edmGroup that owns the method. See entity definition of express_data_manager.edm_group for list of available attributes. The conditional string must start with the attribute name. I.e no leading whitespace or parenthesis. |
10 | SdaiOptions | options | Currently not used. |
11 | SdaiString | foundNames | A buffer that will receive a null terminated list of method names that meet all the given conditions. |
12 | SdaiInvocationId | edmiInvocationId | Currently not used. |
Return Value
Option | Comment |
Option name | Comment |
EdmiError rstat; SdaiInteger nErr, nWrn; SdaiServerContext myContext; /* Define Remote Server Context */ rstat = edmiDefineServerContext("MyRemoteServerContext", "Johnny", "Supervisor", "cf37ftr", "TCP", "9090", "MyServerHost", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &myContext); /* Define Schemas */ rstat = edmiRemoteDefineSchema(myContext, EXPRESS_SCHEMA_TYPE, "c:/data/person.exp", "c:/temp/person.dia", "Person", DELETING_EXISTING_SCHEMAS | STORING_SOURCE, &nWrn, &nErr, NULL); rstat = edmiRemoteDefineSchema(myContext, EXPRESS_X_SCHEMA_TYPE, "c:/data/person_maps.xpx", "c:/temp/person_maps.dia", "InsertPerson", DELETING_EXISTING_SCHEMAS | STORING_SOURCE, &nWrn, &nErr, NULL); rstat = edmiRemoteDefineSchema(myContext, QUERY_SCHEMA_TYPE, "c:/data/person_queries.xpx", "c:/temp/person_queries.dia", "queries", DELETING_EXISTING_SCHEMAS | STORING_SOURCE, &nWrn, &nErr, NULL); /* Define XPX Method Signature */ { SdaiString _parNamesXpx[4] = {"Name", "Sex", "Weight", NULL}; SdaiPrimitiveType _parTypesXpx[3] = {sdaiSTRING, sdaiINTEGER, sdaiREAL}; rstat = edmiRemoteDefineMethodSignature(myContext, "XPX", "Insert a Person", "InsertPerson", "CLASS_INPUT", _parNamesXpx, _parTypesXpx, "Inserts a new person", NULL); } /* Get QEX Method Signature */ { SdaiInstance _qexMethodId; SdaiString _qexMethodClass, _qexDesc, *_qexArgNames; SdaiPrimitiveType _qexReturnType, *_qexArgTypes; SdaiInteger _nArgs; rstat = edmiRemoteGetMethodSignatureBN(myContext, "QEX", "SexHeavierThan", "Person.Queries", &_qexMethodId, &_qexMethodClass, &_nArgs, &_qexReturnType, &_qexArgNames, &_qexArgTypes, &_qexDesc, NULL); } /* Modify QEX Method Signature */ rstat = edmiRemoteModifyMethodSignature(myContext, "QEX", "SexHeavierThan", "Person.Queries", "CLASS_OUTPUT", NULL, NULL, "Returns all persons of a given sex \ exceeding a given threshold weight", NULL); /* List Query Method Signatures */ { SdaiString _typeFilter = "method_type = QEX"; SdaiString _nameFilter = "name LIKE 'SEX*'"; SdaiString _schemaFilter = "name = 'PERSON'"; SdaiString _extraSchemaFilter = "name = 'QUERIES'"; SdaiString _classFilter = "class = 'CLASS_OUTPUT'"; SdaiString _ownerFilter = NULL; SdaiString _groupFilter = NULL; SdaiString *_methodNames = NULL; rstat = edmiRemoteListMethodSignatures(myContext, _typeFilter, _nameFilter, _schemaFilter, _extraSchemaFilter, _classFilter, _ownerFilter, _groupFilter, 0, &_methodNames, NULL); while(*_methodNames) { printf("\nMethod %s", *_methodNames); ++_methodNames; } } /* Delete the XPX Method Signature */ edmiRemoteDeleteMethodSignature(myContext, "XPX", "INSERT A PERSON", "InsertPerson", NULL); . . . Express Schema - -------------------------------------------------------------- - File : c:/data/person.exp - -------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEMA person; ENTITY aperson; name : STRING; sex : STRING; weight : REAL; END_ENTITY; END_SCHEMA; Express-X Schema - -------------------------------------------------------------- - File : c:/data/person_maps.xpx - -------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEMA_MAP InsertPerson; GLOBAL DECLARE src INSTANCE OF SOURCE_SCHEMA person; DECLARE tar INSTANCE OF TARGET_SCHEMA person; END_GLOBAL; STATEMENTS; LOCAL npar : INTEGER; fail : BOOLEAN := FALSE; name : STRING; sex : INTEGER; weight : REAL; parType : INTEGER; END_LOCAL; IF (xpxGetNumberOfUserParameters() = 3) THEN xpxGetUserParameter(1, name); xpxGetUserParameter(2, sex); xpxGetUserParameter(3, weight); xpxCreateInstanceAndPutAttrsBN(XPXTARGETMODELID, "aperson", 3, xpxSTRING, name, xpxINTEGER, sex, xpxREAL, weight); } END_STATEMENTS; END_SCHEMA_MAP; Query Schema. - -------------------------------------------------------------- - File : c:/data/person_queries.qex - -------------------------------------------------------------- QUERY_SCHEMA queries FOR person; GLOBAL DECLARE src INSTANCE OF person; END_GLOBAL; VIEW_ENTITY PersonView; name : STRING; sex : INTEGER; weight : REAL; END_VIEW_ENTITY; QUERY_FUNCTION SexHeavierThan ( p_sex:INTEGER; p_weight:REAL) : SET OF PersonView; LOCAL result : SET of PersonView; currView : PersonView; END_LOCAL; FROM(s:src::aperson) WHEN TRUE; BEGIN IF((s.sex = p_sex) AND (s.weight > p_weight)) THEN NEW currView; currView.name := s.name; currView.sex := s.sex; currView.weight := s.weight; result ++ currView; END_IF; END; RETURN(result); END_QUERY_FUNCTION; END_QUERY_SCHEMA;
See also
Filter by label
There are no items with the selected labels at this time.