FUNCTION xpxEdmiTrace (traceFunction, traceCondition, maxTraceFileSize : INTEGER; traceFileName : STRING) status : INTEGER;
Operates the trace facilities. The trace facilities is a powerful trace mechanism to assist users in testing and bug hunting of their application. Several filters for tracing can be defined. The resulting trace output is in plain ASCII that can be easily read and understood. Running with the trace active will normally decrease the performance of operations considerably.
Type | Name | Comment |
INTEGER | traceFunction | Specifies the actual EDMinterface trace operation to perform. The available operations are:
INTEGER | traceCondition | The <traceCondition> argument is only effective when the <traceFunction> = DEFINE_TRACE. This argument can be any combination (bitwise OR) of the following.
INTEGER | maxTraceFileSize | An integer specifying the maximum number of bytes in the <traceFile> before the file is closed or the file is rewound. This argument is only valid when <traceCondition> = XPXDEFINE_TRACE and XPXTRACE_TO_FILE is set in <traceCondition>. When XPXTRACE_RINGFILE is set in <traceCondition>, then the <traceFile> will be rewound when the file size is equal to <maxTraceFileSize>number of bytes, else the file will be closed and trace output will terminate. When <maxTraceFileSize>= 0, then no check for maximum file size will be performed. |
STRING | traceFileName | Name of a file to write the trace records into. This argument is only valid for <traceFunction>=XPXDEFINE_TRACE. |
Return Value
Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : User 'null' does not have permission to view the page 'US:_r_XPX_Return_Value'.
<Missing Example>
See also
Filter by label
There are no items with the selected labels at this time.
, multiple selections available,