

FUNCTION xpxWriteModelInXmlFormat (repositoryName            : STRING;
                                   modelName                 : STRING;
                                   headerModelRepositoryName : STRING;
                                   headerModelName           : STRING;
                                   excludeIncludeFilter      : SET OF GENERIC;
                                   xmlFileName               : STRING;
                                   realPrecision             : INTEGER;
                                   options                   : INTEGER)
                                   status                    : INTEGER;

Produces an XML representation of a data model in the EDMdatabase. The produced XML representation is a well formed XML without a DTD.


STRINGrepositoryNameSpecifies the name of the data repository that holds the data model to make a XML representation of. Repository names are case sensitive.
STRINGmodelNameSpecifies the name of the data model to be mapped to the specified XML File. Model names are case sensitive.

Specifies the name of the data repository that hosts the STEP header model to be mapped to the XML file. Repository names are case sensitive. When this <headerModelRepName> = NULL the default value <headerModelRepName> = <modelRepName> will be used.

STRINGheaderModelNameSpecifies the name of the STEP header model to be mapped to the XML file. When the <headerModelRepName> = NULL, no STEP header model will be mapped to the XML file.
SET OF GENERICexcludeIncludeFilterDummy, i.e., not yet in use.
STRINGxmlFileNameSpecifies the name of the file that will hold the resulting XML file. Default file extension is ".xml".
INTEGERrealPrecisionSpecifies an integer that denotes the number of significant digits after the decimal point in a REAL number in the resulting XML file. When <realPrecision> is set to zero, a system dependent default value is used.
INTEGERoptionsSpecifies the options that are enabled in the invocation of the edmWriteModelInXmlFormatBN function. The <options> value should be specified as a bitwise OR between the options to enable.

Return Value

Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : User 'null' does not have permission to view the page 'US:_r_XPX_Return_Value'.




Specifies that the EDMdatabase instanceID will be used as instance identifiers in the XML File such that it will be easy to find the correspondence between a mapped instance on the XML file and the same instance in the EDMdatabase.




Specifies that the value of Inverse attributes will be mapped to the XML file.


Specifies that the value of Derive attributes will be mapped to the XML file.



<Missing Example>


See also

Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.


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