

FUNCTION xpxWriteXmlFileEx (repositoryName, modelName                : STRING;
                            dataItem                                 : GENERIC;
                            headerRepositoryName, headerModelName    : STRING;
                            xmlConfigurationName, xmlFileName        : STRING;
                            diagnosticFile, encodingEDM, encodingXML : STRING;
                            options                                  : INTEGER;
                            VAR warnings, VAR errors, VAR sdaiError  : INTEGER)
                            status                                   : INTEGER;

Export an edmModel or parts of an edmModel to an Xml-formatted file on the file system. This function has an insufficient parameter list.


STRINGrepositoryNameThe name of the data repository that contains the model to make a XML representation of. Repository names are case sensitive.
STRINGmodelNameThe name of the data model from which data is to be exported to the specified XML File. Model names are case sensitive.
STRINGheaderRepositoryNameThe name of the data repository that contains the XML header model. Repository names are case sensitive. If this parameter is NULL or an empty string, <headerRepositoryName> will be set equal to <repositoryName>
STRINGheaderModelNameSpecifies the name of the XML Header Model that will be exported to the Header Section in the resulting XML file. XML Header Model names are case sensitive. The specified XML Header Model must be located in the repository specified by the parameter <headerRepositoryName>.
STRINGxmlConfigurationNameThe name of the XML configuration. NULL means no configuration.
STRINGxmlFileNameThe name of the XML file to be generated.
STRINGdiagnosticFileSpecifies the file name for diagnostic information generated by this function. If no file name is supplied, i.e. the <diagnosticFileName> argument is set to NULL or an empty string, all diagnostic information will be written to the EDMinterface current output device.

The encoding of data in EDM (source). Default is UTF8. Legal values are;

  • "UTF-8"
  • "UTF-16"
  • "ISO-10646-UCS-2"
  • "ISO-10646-UCS-4"
  • "ISO-LATIN-1"
  • "ISO-LATIN-2"
  • "ISO-8859-3"
  • "ISO-8859-4"
  • "ISO-8859-5"
  • "ISO-8859-6"
  • "ISO-8859-7"
  • "ISO-8859-8"
  • "ISO-8859-9"
  • "ISO-2022-jp"
  • "EUC-JP"
STRINGencodingXMLThe encoding of data in XML (target). Default is UTF8. Legal values are the same as for encodingEDM.
INTEGERoptionsA bitwise OR between the options described below.
INTEGERnumberOfWarningsthe number of warnings generated by EDM when the model was exported.
INTEGERnumberOfErrorsthe number of errors encountered when the model was exported.
INTEGERsdaiErrorany EDMinterface error code returned from the EDMserver.

Return Value

Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : User 'null' does not have permission to view the page 'US:_r_XPX_Return_Value'.




Include header element when writing ISO_10303_28 document


Include configuration element when writing ISO_10303_28 document


Include schema elements when writing ISO_10303_28 document


Use this option to prevent referenced instances to be exported. By default EDM will export all the instances given in data and the entire mesh of referenced instances that spreads out from them.


Use the full internal instanceIds of EDM as step Ids in the exported XML file. By default, the step Ids are the local references from within each model.



<Missing Example>


See also

Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.


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