Write XML document (p28e2)

Write XML document (p28e2)

Produces a XML File representation of an EDMdatabase model.
The XML File format is defined in ISO 10303-28: XML representation for EXPRESS-driven data. A XML File is also referred to as a Part 28 file.
This is one of the file exchange formats of ISO 10303, and can be used to exchange data between two EDMdatabases or between an EDMdatabase and any application that conforms to ISO 10303-28. The produced file can also be used for long time archiving of the data.
The Header Section part of the XML file can be produced from the specified existing header model in the EDMdatabase or a default Header Section will be produced when no header model is specified. A header model is a model of the HEADER_SECTION_SCHEMA defined in ISO 10303-21.

instanceID or query?

Specify one of the following:
instanceID: The instance to write will be specified by its instanceID number.
query: The instance to write will be specified by a query.
whole model: The whole model will be written.
When activating the Select button, the three legal alternatives instanceID, query and whole model are displayed in the related selection list.


Specify an unsigned integer value denoting the EDMdatabase unique instanceID of the instance to write to XML. This argument is only effective when the <instanceID or query?> argument is set to instanceID.


Specify the name of the open repository that holds the actual instance. Repository names are case sensitive. This argument is only effective when the <instanceID or query?> argument is set to query.
When activating the Select button, the name of all open repositories will be displayed in the related selection list.


Specify the name of the model that holds the actual instance. Model names are case sensitive. This argument is only effective when the <instanceID or query?> argument is set to query. This model must be open.
When activating the Select button, the name of all open models located in the repository(ies) specified by the <Repository> argument will be displayed in the related selection list.


Specify the name of the entity, i.e. the type of the instance to display. Entity names are case insensitive. This argument is only effective when the <instanceID or query?> argument is set to query
When activating the Select button, the name of all existing instance types in the model(s) specified by the arguments <Repository> and <Model> will be displayed in the related selection list.

First instance index to check:

Specify an integer value denoting the index, i.e., element number in the entity extent aggregate that holds all instances of the same type in a model. The value of the <First instance index to check> argument specifies the index of the first instance to be queried. The instance type is specified by the <Entity> argument. The first instance in the entity extent aggregate has index zero.
This argument is only effective when the <instanceID or query?> argument is set to query.
This argument will be automatically updated to the index of the last instance that matched the query plus one, when the option [update indexes] is set. This feature makes it convenient to query all instances of a particular type in several consecutive queries.


Specify the conditions the actual instance should match. All queried instances will match the query when this argument is empty (blank). This argument is effective only when the <instanceID or query?> argument is set to query.

STEP Header Model:

Specify the name of the STEP Header Model in EDMdatabase that will be mapped to the Header Section in the resulting XML file. STEP Header Model names are case sensitive.
A default Header Section is produced When the <STEP Header Model> argument is blank. This default header section can be configured by setting the EDM system variable EDM_STEP_FILE_AUTHOR.
There are several ways to customize one or more STEP Header Models in EDMsupervisor, among others the 2 following ways:
1) Edit an existing STEP file and import this file by the command Data>ImportModel.
2) Create a STEP Header Model by the command sequence:
Data>Create>Model , Data>Open>Model , Data>Create>Instance , and Data>Close>Model .
When activating the Select button, the names of all STEP Header models in the EDMdatabase will be displayed.

Encoding in EDM:

The encoding of data in EDM.
Valid encodings are;
Default encoding in EDM is UTF8. If this parameter is NULL or an empty string, the default value will be the encoding that is specified within the Xml document.

XML configuration:

The name of the XML configuration to apply. XML Configurations are unique within the scope of an Express Schema. For a short description of the configuration file see XML Configuration file. for a complete description please refere to ISO 10303-P28.

File name:

Specify the name of the XML file produced by this command. The default file extension is ".xml".
When activating the Select button, a window is opened to allow browsing the directory structure and select/specify the desired file.

Output encoding:

The desired character encoding for the destination. Default is UTF8.


accumulating command output:

A global option that appends the command output to the EDMsupervisor output window. Otherwise the output window is refreshed and only the last command output is displayed.

match selected input:

A global option that specifies that only items that partly or exactly matches the string in the related argument input field when activating a Select button, will be in the selection list. An empty (blank) string will match all items.
This option has no effect on file name arguments.

Use EDM identifiers:

Use the full internal instanceIds of EDM as step Ids in the exported XML file. By default, the step Ids are the local references from within each model.

Invoke IFC 3D viewer:


Include header:

Include header element when writing ISO_10303_28 document

Include configuration:

Include configuration element when writing ISO_10303_28 document

Include schema:

Include schema elements when writing ISO_10303_28 document

Use DOM:

Use temporary DOM object when parsing/writing

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