Additional notes regarding aggregate properties

Additional notes regarding aggregate properties

Formatting of Date aggregate property when used as key

When listing aggregate property data values, EDMtruePLM will format values of type Date to DD-MM-YYYY hh:mm:ss.ms. For the formatting to work correctly, the valid Date value formats during import (from .json or .csv files) are the following:

  • 10 digit UNIX timestamps (seconds timestamp)

  • 13 digit UNIX timestamps (milliseconds timestamp)

  • String as YYYY-MM-DD (formatted date)

  • String as YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss (formatted date and time)

  • String as YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.ms (formatted date and time)

Example of aggregate property data view with Date as key in EDMtruePLM

Consistent format when aggregate value is a Key

When setting values for types that are set as Key (see in user manual) it is important that the values follow the same format. Filtering and sorting of data is based on the string representation of the uploaded key data values. For example, do not mix timestamps with 10 digit UNIX timestamps and timestamps with format YYYY-MM-DD. This may cause issues with sorting and filtering of the data.

Note that EDMtruePLM does not check the type of uploaded values. Values are stored as uploaded. For example, using a string value (e.g. “text”) to a Numerical type will not result in an error.  

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