

FUNCTION xpfGetTemporaryVariableValue(tempVariable : STRING;
                                      options      : INTEGER)
                                      value        : GENERIC;

Function to get the value of an EDMtemporaryVariable. An EDMtemporaryVariable is a LOCAL or GLOBAL variable in an EDMexpressX schema that is defined at run-time in an EDMvmSession. Hence, an EDMtemporaryVariable cannot be referenced by name in the source code of the actual EDMexpressX schema, since such variables are not known at compile time. An EDMtemporaryVariable is only known in the EDMsession that defines it, i.e., all EDMtemporaryVariables are deleted when an EDMvmSession is closed. The function has variable number of arguments, i.e., it can be invoked with a minimum of 1 argument and a maximum of 2 arguments.


2STRINGtempVariableThe name of the EDMtemporaryVariable to get the value of. The actual EDMtemporaryVariable must be in scope of code that invokes the xpfGetTemporaryVariableValue() function.
3INTEGERoptionsOptional argument. Default value is xpxLOCAL_VARIABLE

Return Value


GENERICvalueThe data value of the actual EDMtemporaryVariable is returned when the function is successfully performed, else the value INDETERMINATE (?) is returned. Exception handling should be used to handle error conditions in the actual xpfGetTemporaryVariableValue() operation.


xpxLOCAL_VARIABLEThe actual EDMtemporaryVariable should be in the LOCAL scope
xpxGLOBAL_VARIABLEThe actual EDMtemporaryVariable should be in the GLOBAL scope



<Missing Example>


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