EdmiError edmiRemoteTestAggrElement(SdaiServerContext serverContextId, SdaiAggr aggrId, SdaiVersion version, SdaiAggrIndex index, SdaiBoolean *isSet, SdaiInvocationId *edmiInvocationId);
Returns the set/unset status of an array element identified by its element index. This function is only applicable on aggregates of array type.
Type | Name | Comment |
SdaiServerContext | serverContextId | Context identification, from edmiDefineServerContext |
SdaiAggr | aggrId | The numeric aggregateID that uniquely identifies the array for which to test an indexed element. |
SdaiVersion | version | The version of the edmModel to apply this function call on. The <version> parameter is a numeric sequence number counting from one by increments of one for each new model version that is created. A zero model version number means the current version. |
SdaiAggrIndex | index | The index of the array element to test. |
SdaiBoolean | isSet | A variable that will receive an SdaiBoolean value that indicate whether the aggregate element is set or unset. sdaiTRUE means the element with the given index is set. sdaiFALSE means it is unset. |
SdaiInvocationId | edmiInvocationId | Currently not used. |
Return Value
/* SCHEMA DentalStatus; ENTITY Tooth; Fillings : INTEGER; END_ENTITY; ENTITY Incisor SUBTYPE OF (Tooth); END_ENTITY; ENTITY Canin SUBTYPE OF (Tooth); END_ENTITY; ENTITY Molar SUBTYPE OF (Tooth); END_ENTITY; ENTITY Wisdom SUBTYPE OF (Molar); END_ENTITY; ENTITY Patient; CustomerId : INTEGER; ToothSet : ARRAY [1:32] OF OPTIONAL Tooth; END_ENTITY; END_SCHEMA; */ EdmiError rstat; SdaiServerContext myContext; SdaiModel modelId; SdaiInteger nHits, index; SdaiBoolean inPlace; SdaiInstance patientId; SdaiAggr toothSet; /* Define Remote Server Context */ rstat = edmiDefineServerContext("MyRemoteServerContext", "Johnny", "Dentist", "cf37ftr", "TCP", "9090", "MyServerHost", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &myContext); /* Get the modelId of the patient register model */ rstat = edmiRemoteGetModelBN(myContext, "DataRepository", "PatientRegister", &modelId, NULL); /* Get the instance Id of the patient with customerId 8745 */ nHits = 1; index = 0; rstat = edmiRemoteFindInstancesBN(myContext, modelId, "Patient", "CustomerId = 8745", sizeof(SdaiInstance), &index, &nHits, &patientId, NULL); /* Get the patients toothset */ rstat = edmiRemoteGetAttrsBN(myContext, patientId, 0, 1, NULL, "ToothSet", sdaiAGGR, &toothSet); /* Check if the patient has got his upper left wisdom molar (toothSet element 1) intact */ rstat = edmiRemoteTestAggrElement(myContext, toothSet, 0, 1, &inPlace, NULL); printf("\nThe upper left wisdom molar is %s.", inPlace ? "intact" : "missing"); . . .
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