Project menu
The project menu is located at the top right-hand side of the screen.
Figure 69. Project Menu
Make comparison
To compare breakdown versions and baselines click on the compare icon
Figure 70. Version and baseline comparison tab
Select the values and click on the OK button. The Result of the comparison is displayed in a separate "Diff" window as shown below in Figure 71. This window is divided into four main sections:
- Two Product breakdown windows: Show the two baselines or versions that are compared. The breakdown identifications are placed on top of each window.
- List of differences: This summarizes the differences between the two breakdowns.
- Details: The detailed description of a selected row in the list of differences.
Note: Baselines with only a subset of the complete project breakdown can only be compared against other baselines of the same branch – one cannot compare them with the entire structure.
Figure 71. Version comparison window
Baselines are a method of versioning the breakdown structure. A baseline is a tagged version of the entire breakdown or of a branch of the breakdown. To manage previously created baselines, click on the baseline icon
in the project menu. The baselines form lists baselines and allows the user- - to display and browse a baseline in the breakdown structure pane,
- - to export a baseline as an EDMtruePLM specific ISO 10303-239 P21 file including all files and a separate reference data P21 file (for details of the contents of the resulting zip-file, see chapter 4.1.5 "Download STEP pack") and
- - to delete baselines.
Figure 72. Baseline tab
Three search
Figure 73. Search tab
Breakdown element
"Quick search" finds breakdown elements / nodes based on the following filters. As its name indicates it is quicker than "Node search", but not as sophisticated.
Figure 74. Quick Search
"Node search" offers additional filters (see Figure 75). For large data sets it is time-consuming.
Figure 75. Node search
The different "Node search" tabs are explained in the following bullet points.
- General tab:
All filter items in this tab are system properties of breakdown elements.
- Name: Enter breakdown element name. The following wildcards may be used in the text field.
- @ - Matches any letter
- ^ - Matches any upper-case letter
- ? - Matches any character
- & - Matches reminder of string
- # - Matches any digit
- $ - Matches a substring terminated by a space character or end-of-string
- - Matches any number of characters
- \ - Begins a pattern escape sequence
- ! - Negation character (used with the other characters).
- Description: a string within the node property "Description".
- Type: one of an enumerated list of element type values can be selected. If no type is specified, all types of elements will be returned.
- Project phase: one of an enumerated list of phase values.
- Date tab:
All filter items in this tab are system properties of breakdown elements.
- Created after: Search for nodes created after the given date.
- Created before: Search for nodes created before the given date.
- Edited after: Search for nodes modified after the given date.
- Edited before: Search for nodes modified before the given date.
- User tab:
All filter items in this tab are system properties of breakdown elements.
- Created by: Search for nodes that were created by the selected user.
- Edited by: Search for nodes that were last modified by the selected user.
- Metadata tab:
The filter items in this tab are user-defined properties of breakdown elements. Several properties may be included in the same filter pattern.
- Property name: The name of a user-defined property.
- Property value: The value of the given property; for string type properties wildcards may be used.
- Add: Apply the given property name and value pair to the search. After the first property name and value pair others may be added; all such filter pairs are joined by a logical "AND".
Data files
Use the document search form shown in the two figures, below, to find documents in the breakdown structure. The form consists of five tabs, which are explained in the following sub-sections.
Searches are done on the selected product breakdown version. So, if you need to search within a specific version of the breakdown, select that version first.
Figure 76. Document search 1
Figure 77. Document search 2
- General tab:
All filter items in this tab are system properties of documents.
- Title: Document title. The following wildcards may be used in this text field.
- @ - Matches any letter
- ^ - Matches any upper-case letter
- ? - Matches any character
- & - Matches reminder of string
- # - Matches any digit
- $ - Matches a substring terminated by a space character or end-of-string
- - Matches any number of characters
- \ - Begins a pattern escape sequence
- ! - Negation character (used with the other characters).
- Description: a string within the document property "Description".
- Content type: one of an enumerated list of document "Type" values can be selected. If no value is specified, all types of documents will be returned.
- Discipline: one of an enumerated list of document "Discipline" values can be selected. If no value is specified, documents of all disciplines will be returned.
- Status of the document: one of an enumerated list of document "Status" values can be selected. If no value is specified, documents with all status values will be returned.
- Format: specify a file extension.
- Options tab:
All filter items in this tab are system properties of documents.
- Project phase: one of an enumerated list of project phases (defined as reference data).
- External version: the version of the document given by an external system.
- Rid number: the identifier of a Review Item Discrepancy (issues follow-up)
- Source: one of an enumerated list of origins of a document (defined as reference data).
- Have red flags: search for documents that have red flags.
- Have sticky notes: search for documents that have sticky notes.
- Have been checked out: search for documents that have been checked out
- Date tab:
- Created after: search for documents created after the given date.
- Created before: search for documents created before the given date.
- Edited after: search for documents modified after the given date.
- Edited before: search for documents modified before the given date.
- Submitted after: search for documents submitted after the given date.
- Submitted before: search for documents submitted before the given date.
- User tab:
- Created by: search for documents that were created by the selected user.
- Edited by: search for documents that were last modified by the selected user.
- Check out by: search for documents that are checked out by the selected user.
- Editor: search for documents that have the selected user as their Editor.
- Responsible: search for documents that the selected user is responsible for.
- Reviewer: search for documents that the selected user is the reviewer of.
- Approver: search for documents that the selected user is the approver of.
- Release manager: search for data files that the selected user is the release manager for.
- Metadata tab:
- Property name: The name of the user-defined property.
- Property value: The value of the given property; for string type properties wildcards may be used.
- Add: Apply the given property name and value pair to the search. After the first property name and value pair others may be added; all such filter pairs are joined by a logical "AND".
Search result tabs
There is one tab that lists results of node searches and one for document search results.
- Document search result tab
Figure 78. Document search result
The following functions are available for each document within the search result tab:
- Download: downloads the document.
- Open: opens the document.
- Go to: opens the position of the document within the breakdown structure.
In addition, by clicking on the search result, the properties of that document are loaded into the document properties window.
- Node search result tab
Figure 79. Node search result
By clicking on the search result menu, you can go to the position of the node within the breakdown structure. In addition, by clicking on a search result item the properties of the selected node are displayed within the breakdown properties window.
Sorting the search results
Search results can be sorted alphabetically by right-clicking on the search result tab and selecting the "Sort"-option.
Figure 80. Sorting search result
Products and Organizations are managed in the Catalogues
Figure 81. Catalogues
This version of EDMtruePLM offers support for representing products and their relations to breakdown elements. Types of products may be created and may then be pasted into one or several breakdown elements.
Before creating products, confirm that reference data have been defined for "Product element type", "Product stages" and "Product domains" in the reference data GUI. To add a product, click on the +-sign as shown in the figure, below.
Figure 82. Product menu
Property values cannot be changed after product creation; delete and re-create instead.
For relating products to breakdown elements, see in chapter Put Product.
To create an organisation, select "Organisation" from the Catalogue menu, click on the +-sign and fill in the form.
The form consists of information such as Organisation name, Unique id (Uid) and Address as shown below. Property values may be changed after creation.
Figure 83- Organisation menu
For relating organizations to breakdown elements, see in chapter Add Organisation.
Reference data definitions
The "Reference data" page allows authorized users to manage the metadata of the project. See column "RDL manipulation" in Table 8 for authorized types of users.
Opening the RDL page
To manage project reference data, click on the reference data icon
in the project menu.Reference data GUI
The "Reference data" page allows the user to manage project metadata. These metadata are a powerful method to configure the system for different uses and processes.
Figure 84. Reference data
The system allows the user to define values for the following metadata types (refer Figure 84):
- Project phase: stage in an activity, e.g., project lifecycle stages
- Project discipline: type of engineering, e.g., Electrical, Instrumentation, Mechanical ... .
- Source of Information: origin of a document, for example, external and internal
- Document content type: type of information in a document, e.g., CAD, Design, Requirement specification ...
- Document status: the level of progression of a document in its lifecycle workflow, e.g., Draft, Approved, Completed, Ready to review, Sent for approval ...
- Subdomain roles: level of access of a project member to information in a subdomain
- Breakdown relationship roles: types of usages of one breakdown element by another breakdown element, such as, Supplied part, Requirement and Subordinate
- Organisation roles: types of usages of organisations by breakdown elements, e.g., Contractor, Security classifier, Creator, Operator…
- Breakdown element types: classes of nodes in a tree structure, e.g., subsystem, system, unit, module, product definition, requirement ...
- Breakdown properties: user-defined attributes of a breakdown element and its subtypes, e.g., length, breadth and height
- Requirements types: classes of breakdown elements of type requirement. The system only allows child elements of type requirement to be added to a requirement type of breakdown element.
- Requirement properties: attributes that are added to breakdown elements of type requirement
- Document properties: attributes that are added to documents
- Product element type: category of a product, e.g., aircraft, car, ship and pump
- Product properties: attributes that are added to products
- Product domains: engineering discipline; a product may combine several disciplines, such as, electrical and mechanical
- Product stages: lifecycle phase of a product, e.g., design, analysis and manufacturing
- Aggregate struct: a type of structure that is an array of sensor values
- Aggregate struct elements: the members of an "Aggregate struct" and their metadata.
Adding reference data
To change or add metadata to the system, use the
Figure 85. Add reference data
As an example, the project manager can define as "Source of information" different types of source categories, e.g., internal data, customer data, public data etc. .
Deleting reference data
The system will allow metadata to be removed only if it is not used in a project. Metadata that can be removed have an
Figure 86. Delete reference data
Note: The system will not allow a metadata to be deleted if it is in use, this will guarantee that the data will not become corrupted by removing the used metadata.
Adding document property
This item allows the user to extend the EDMtruePLM system by creating additional properties (metadata) for documents. To add a new document property, click on the
Figure 87. Add document property
Document properties may be of different data types, such as text and numbers. The input forms vary depending on the requested data type; see Figure 87, above.
The property types are explained in Table 5, below.
The "read only access" option allows a user to create properties the values of which can only be changed by the project manager.
Table 5. Document property types
Type | Definition |
Text | String value property |
Numeric | Numeric value property. Provide a name and a unit of measure |
Date | Date time values |
Enumeration | An enumeration type property consists of a list of pre-defined values. Provide the property name and the values of the enumeration; values are separated by comma. |
Boolean | True/false property |
Adding breakdown element type
Breakdown element types may be defined as a class hierarchy where subtypes inherit the properties of their parents. The process starts with the interaction in Figure 88. Selecting the upper-most +-sign will trigger the user interaction in Figure 89 to add a new top level breakdown element type. The smaller +-signs enable the definition of subtypes of existing element types.
Figure 88. Add breakdown element subtype
Figure 89. Add breakdown element type
Adding breakdown element property
Breakdown properties are defined per type of breakdown element; subtypes inherit from their parents.
Figure 90. Add property for specific breakdown element type
After selecting the breakdown element type that the property shall become a part of click on the icon to create a breakdown property; see Figure 91, below.
Figure 91. Breakdown property input form
Breakdown properties may be of different data types, such as text and numbers, similar to the document properties described above. The input forms vary depending on the requested data type; see Figure 92, below.
The property types are explained in Table 6, below.
The "read only access" option allows a user to create properties the values of which can only be changed by the project manager.
Figure 92. Create new breakdown element property
Table 6. Breakdown element property types
Type | Definition |
Text | String value property |
Numeric | Numeric value property. Provide a name and a unit of measure |
Date | Date time values |
Enumeration | An enumeration type property consists of a list of pre-defined values. Provide the property name and the values of the enumeration; values are separated by comma. |
Boolean | True/false property |
Serial | This is a sequence number. When a node with such a type of property is created, the system checks for the last given sequence number, increases it by 1 and assigns it to the newly created node. If the node is the first occurrence of its type, the value 1 is assigned. |
Formatted serial | This is a text property that represents a sequence number with some textual prefix/suffix. An example is 'SN:00012345', where 12345 is a value of a property of type sequence (see above) or an implicit sequential number calculated like the sequence number, but used only in the context of the property typed formatted_serial. The format of the property representation must be stored in a parent property named "<name_of_child_property>-format". The sequence number must follow the formatting code of the C programming language; the default formatting value is '%010d' (to produce strings like '0000000012' or '0000065412'). |
Counter | This is a numerical counter of the children of a parent node. Child nodes with a property typed as Counter will at creation time be assigned a numeric value that is the number of children of their parent node. |
Formatted Counter | This is a textual representation of the Counter property type, alike Formatted_serial described above. The format of the representation must be stored as a parent node property. The format is composed of two pieces: prefix (value of parent property with the same name) and format of counter representation (should be stored in parent property named '<child_property_name>-format'). The property can be used to generate hierarchical counters, like 'XXX.012.001.01' for child of node 'XXX.012.001'... |
Extended Counter | This is a reserved type of counter for future use. It works exactly like formatted_counter with the only difference that the default format value is '%s.%03d' |
Adding derived property
A derived property calculates its value from other properties.
The icon is for the creation of the derived property and is located in the breakdown element and document property creation area; see Figure 91, above.
Figure 93. Create derived property
Select the property data type from the drop-down list and give a name to the new derived property (see Figure 93). To create the derived property value pattern, add the properties from the Property drop-down list and click on the Add button. The drop-down list contains all local properties, that is, only the properties of the current document or breakdown element type.
Figure 94. Derived property example
Each selected property will be shown as an argument to the ATTR () method. To add static text or a delimiter between the values, place the text between single quotes, see Figure 94 above. To create the derived property, click the OK button.
Adding an aggregate structure
An aggregate structure is an array of value sets of the same type. It is intended to store streamed sensor values.
To add an aggregate structure, first create an aggregate structure type and afterwards add types of elements to it. To create a new structure type, click on the "Aggregate struct" in the reference data menu and create a new structure type by clicking on the icon. After having created the structure, go to "Aggregate struct elements" from the reference menu and select the new structure type from the drop-down list.
Figure 95. Aggregate structure
Use the icon to add new elements to the structure.
Figure 96. Create new aggregate property type
You can add the following types of elements to the structure:
Table 7. Aggregate property types
Type | Definition |
Text | String value property |
Numeric | Numeric value property. Provide a name and a unit of measure |
Date | Date time values |
Enumeration | An enumeration type property consists of a list of pre-defined values. Provide the property name and the values of the enumeration; values are separated by comma. |
Boolean | True/false property |
Adding a filter key to aggregate data
To be able to filter the aggregate data, EDMtruePLM provide the functionality to assign an element in the aggregate structure as primary key. To assign an element as the key to an aggregate type, click on the
Figure 97. Aggregate type
After selecting an element as the key to the aggregate type, the word "Key" is added to the "Type" string of the element.
Language selector
The language selector allows the user to change the user interface language as shown below between English and Norwegian.
Figure 98. GUI language selection