

FUNCTION xpxConvertModel (sourceModelRepositoryName    : STRING;
                          sourceModelName              : STRING;
                          schemaMapName                : STRING;
                          targetModelRepositoryName    : STRING; 
                          targetModelName              : STRING;
                          declarationsToLog            : STRING;   
                          sourceLinesToLog             : STRING;
                          sourceInstancesToLog         : STRING;
                          logFile                      : STRING;
                          maxLogFileSize               : INTEGER; 
                          userOutputFile               : STRING;
                          options                      : INTEGER)
                          status                       : INTEGER;

The xpxConvertModel defines a new invocation of the EDMmodelConverter. Please note that the invocation is queued, and that the actual processing does not start until the currently active conversion process has finished. Several EDMmodelConverter invocations can be queued. The elements in the queue will be processed in the same order as the elements are put into the queue.


2STRINGsourceModelRepositoryNameThe name of the repository that contains the source model
3STRINGsourceModelNameThe name of the source model
4STRINGschemaMapNameThe name of the mapping schema
5STRINGtargetModelRepositoryNameThe name of the repository that contains the target model
6STRINGtargetModelNameThe name of the target model
7STRINGdeclarationsToLogCan be used to define which EDMexpressX  declarations in the actual EDMexpressX mapping schema that should be logged (traced) during execution. The declarations to log can be specified by their names or by the line numbers in the source EDMexpressX schema where they start. When more than one declaration is specified in the declarationsToLog argument, then the specifications should be separated by comma. When the declarationsToLog argument is an empty string, or is indeterminate (question), no EDMexpressX declarations will be logged.
8STRINGsourceLinesToLogCan be used to specify one or more parts of the actual EDMexpressX mapping schema that should be logged (traced) at run time The actual parts to log are specified by line numbers in the source EDMexpressX schema. An interval is specified by the line number of the first line, followed by the character hyphen (minus), followed by the line number of the last line in the interval. When more than one part is specified, then each specification should be separated by a comma. When the sourceLinesToLog argument an empty string or as indeterminate (question),when no such logging should be performed.
9STRINGsourceInstancesToLogCan be used to specify that the handling of one or more instances in the Source Model should be logged (traced) during the conversion process. The actual instances to log are specified by their instanceIds in the EXPRESS Data Manager  database. An interval is specified by the instanceId of the first instance in the interval, followed by the character hyphen (minus) followed by the instanceId of the last instance in the interval. When more than one interval is specified, then each interval specification should be separated by a comma. The sourceInstancesToLog argument can be specified as an empty string or as indeterminate (question),when no such logging should be performed.
10STRINGlogFileSpecifies the name of the log file to be used during the actual invocation of the EDMmodelConverter. An empty string or the value indeterminate for the logFile argument specifies that no log file will be used during the current EDMmodelConverter invocation.
11INTEGERmaxLogFileSizeIs used to specify the maximum size in bytes of the specified log file before the logging to the file is terminated or to rewrite over the previous logs again, dependent of the enabled options in the options argument.
12STRINGuserOutputFileis used to specify the name of a file used for all output from the xpxPrintf and xpxOutputValue functions. When this argument is empty or specified as indeterminate (question) then the output will be on the EDMmodelConverter main output device.

specifies the EDMmodelConverter options that should be used during the current invocation. The options argument should be specified as a zero or as a sum of one or more integer constants.

Return Value

Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : User 'null' does not have permission to view the page 'US:_r_XPX_Return_Value'.




Specifies that the result from the Express-X functions xpxPrintf and xpxOutputValue will be written to the file specified in the <userOutputFile> argument.  When none of the options [USER_OUTPUT_TO_FILE] or [USER_OUTPUT_TO_STDOUT] are set, then the output from these function will be written to the actual <logFile> if defined, else the output from these functions will be written to the EDMinterface current output device.



Specifies that the result from the Express-X functions xpxPrintf and xpxOutputValue will be written to the EDMinterface current output device.  When none of the options [USER_OUTPUT_TO_FILE] or [USER_OUTPUT_TO_STDOUT] are set, then the output from these function will be written to the actual <logFile> if defined, else the output from these functions will be written to the EDMinterface current output device.



The result of the conversion process will be added to the existing target model.



Delete the target model before operation, if it already exists.



Specifies that all logging options except [LOG_AGGREGATE_CONTENTS] should be activated during the conversion process.



Specifies that the evaluation of all logical conditions in the actual Express-X schema should be logged.



Specifies that the evaluation of all Express-X expressions should be logged.



Specifies that the execution of all built-in Express-X functions and procedures should be logged.



Specifies that the execution of all user defined functions and procedures should be logged.



Specifies that all iterations should be logged.



Specifies that all instance creation in the conversion process should be logged.



Specifies that the execution of all assignment statements should be logged.



Specifies that when the actual data type to be recorded is an aggregate, the value of all aggregate elements will be written in the log record, otherwise only the aggregateID would be written to the actual log record.  Note: this option may generate very much log information.



Log declarations in the mapping schema only, i.e. do not log evaluation of derived attributes in the source and target schemas.



Specifies that all error events detected in the actual conversion process should be logged.



Specifies that all warning events detected in the actual conversion process should be logged.



Specifies that the log records should be written to the file specified in the <logFile> argument.  The options LOG_TO_FILE and LOG_TO_STDOUT can be combined.



Specifies that the log records should be written to the EDMinterface current output device.  The options LOG_TO_FILE and LOG_TO_STDOUT can be combined.



<Missing Example>


See also

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