New User

New User

Logs on another EDMuser.


Specify the name of a registered EDMuser. EDMuser names are case insensitive.


Specify the name of a registered EDMgroup account. The specified group must encompass the user specified in the <User> argument. EDMgroup names are case insensitive.
When this argument is left blank, the calling user will be logged-in EDMserver under an undefined EDMgroup account.


Specify the password associated with the <User> argument.


accumulating command output:

A global option that appends the command output to the EDMsupervisor output window. Otherwise the output window is refreshed and only the last command output is displayed.

open session:

Opens an EDMserver session by implicitly executing the Connection>OpenSession command.

disconnect current user

If this option is checked, the current user is disconnected and the current session is closed. This implies that all the open models are closed, which may cause longer response times when models are reopened.

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