Create remote database

Create remote database

Creates a new EDMdatabase in the specified server context. The command will fail if the actual EDMserver has another open database.
This command can optionally execute the RemoteSystems>Database>OpenDatabase command such that the new created remote database will be ready for data manipulation immediately after this command is executed.
The RemoteSystems>Database>CreateDatabase command will define the two EDMuser accounts named superuser and sdai-user, and the EDMgroup account sdai-group. The users superuser and sdai-user are member of the group sdai-group. The superuser is the privileged user in the EDMserver. The sdai-user and the sdai-group is the default user and group account.
On a standalone system the user will use the Connection>OpenSession command to log-in as a  sdai-user under the sdai-group group-account. On a server system (fat client or connecting to remote database by server context type LOCAL_DB or LOCAL_CONTEXT), the password of sdai-user must be changed before it is possible to be logged in as sdai-user.
The superuser will automatically get the same password as the database password defined by this command. The superuser can change its password by executing the RemoteSystems>UserAdm>DefineRemotePassword command. The password that protects the EDMdatabase cannot be changed.

Server context name:

Specify name of server context.
When activating the Select button, the name of all defined server contexts will be displayed in the related selection list.

Remote database directory path:

Specify the path to the directory where the remote database is located. The <Remote database directory path> must be specified as an absolute path.
The <Remote database directory path> argument can be specified with and without the directory delimiter character as the last character in the directory path. The directory delimiter character is '\' on the Windows platforms and '/' on the Unix platforms.
When activating the Select button, a window is opened to allow browsing the directory structure and select/specify the desired directory.

Remote database:

Specify the name of the remote EDMdatabase. EDMdatabase names are case sensitive.


Specify password of the new remote database. The password that protects the database cannot be changed. This password will by default be the password of the EDMuser superuser.

Retype password:

Retype the password specified in <Password>. Because there is no echo on the <Password>, the <Retype password> argument is used to check that the user remember the <Password>. If <Password> is different from <Retype password> then the command will fail.


accumulating command output:

A global option that appends the command output to the EDMsupervisor output window. Otherwise the output window is refreshed and only the last command output is displayed.

open database:

The created database will be opened by invoking the Create remote database function.