Import STEP  file to server

Import STEP  file to server

Imports a STEP Physical File into the remote EDMdatabase. The imported data set will be stored in a new data model, i.e., it cannot be stored in an existing model. The Header Section of the STEP file can optionally be stored in a STEP Header Model in the EDMdatabase. A STEP Header Model is a population of the HEADER_SECTION_SCHEMA defined in ISO 10303-21 and it exists always as a dictionary model in EDMdatabase.
The Express schema that defines the structure in the Data Section of the actual STEP file must exist as a dictionary model in EDMdatabase before this command can be successfully executed. The name of this Express schema is found in the attribute FILE_SCHEMA.SCHEMA_IDENTIFIERS in the Header Section of the STEP file. See Schemata>DefineSchema for how to make a dictionary model in EDMdatabase.
The STEP Physical File format is defined in to ISO 10303-21: Clear text encoding of the exchange structures. A STEP Physical File is also refereed to as a Part 21 file.
This is one of the implementation forms of ISO 10303, and can be used to exchange data between two EDMdatabases or between the EDMdatabase and any application that conforms to ISO 10303-21. The produced file can also be used for long time archiving of data.
When the option [keep STEP identifiers] is enabled, a STEP Identifier model is created and connected to the data model created by this operation. The purpose of this STEP Identifiers model is to hold the correspondence between the entity instance identifiers on the actual STEP file (stepID) and the related instanceID in the EDMdatabase. The STEP Identifiers model will be opened for read only access when the related data model is opened, and the STEP Identifiers model will be deleted when the connecting data model is deleted. The STEP Identifiers model can also be handled as an individual model.
A STEP Physical File can be created by any application compliant to ISO 10303-21 or by the EDMsupervisor using the RemoteSystems>Models>ExportStepFile or the Data>ExportModel commands.
For information on the format of the file in argument <short names file>, see Short names in the User Guide.

Server context name:

Specify name of server context.
When activating the Select button, the name of all defined server contexts will be displayed in the related selection list.

Remote repository:

Specify the name of the remote repository to hold the model to be imported. Repository names are case sensitive.
When activating the Select button, the name of all open remote repositories will be displayed in the related selection list.

Remote model:

Specify the name of the remote model to be imported. Model names are case sensitive.
When activating the Select button, the name of all open models located in the repository(ies) specified by the <Remote repository> argument will be displayed in the related selection list..

Remote header model repository:

Specify the name of the remote repository holding the STEP Header Model to be imported. Repository names are case sensitive.
When activating the Select button, the name of all open remote repositories will be displayed in the related selection list.

Remote header model:

Specify the name of the STEP Header Model in the remote EDMdatabase that will be mapped to the Header Section in the resulting step file. STEP Header Model names are case sensitive.
A default Header Section is produced When the <Remote header model> argument is blank. This default header section can be configured by setting the EDM system variable EDM_STEP_FILE_AUTHOR.
There are several ways to customize one or more STEP Header Models in EDMsupervisor, among others the 2 following ways:
1) Edit an existing STEP file and import this file by the command Data>ImportModel.
2) Create a STEP Header Model by the command sequence:
Data>Create>Model , Data>Open>Model , Data>Create>Instance , and Data>Close>Model .
When activating the Select button, the names of all STEP Header models in the EDMdatabase will be displayed.

STEP file:

Specify the name of the file that will hold the resulting STEP file. Default file extension is ".stp".
If this argument is left blank, the resulting STEP file will only be displayed in the EDMsupervisor output window, i.e., no permanent copy of the actual model in STEP Physical File format will be produced.
When activating the Select button, a window is opened to allow browsing the directory structure and select the desired file.

Log file:

Specify the name of the file that will hold the log information. This file can be an existing file or the name of a file that will be created by the import process. Default file extension is ".log".
This argument is only valid when the [log to file] option is set

Remote schema:

The name of the Express schema that defines the structure of the data in the Data Section of the actual STEP file is found in the attribute FILE_SCHEMA.SCEMA_IDENTIFIERS in the Header Section of the STEP file. This schema will be used as the underlying schema of the new edmModels resulting from this command. Hence this Express schema must exist as a dictionary model in the EDMdatabase when this command is invoked.
If the schema already exists within the remote EDMdatabase, this argument may be used to overrule the schema name found in the Header Section of the STEP file.
The name of an express schema is case insensitive. The specified express schema must exist as a dictionary model in EDMdatabase.

Short names file:

In order to reduce STEP file size, it is possible to define a map between the full entity names and a short name with max 6 characters. This parameter specifies the name of the file containing the mapping matrix between full entity names and its unique short name. This argument is effective only when the [short names] option is set.
For each STEP application protocol, a short name file is provided by ISO TC184/SC4 and can be downloaded from
When activating the Select button, a window is opened to allow browsing the directory structure and select the desired file.


accumulating command output:

A global option that appends the command output to the EDMsupervisor output window. Otherwise the output window is refreshed and only the last command output is displayed.

match selected input:

A global option that specifies that only items that partly or exactly matches the string in the related argument input field when activating a Select button, will be in the selection list. An empty (blank) string will match all items.
This option has no effect on file name arguments.

header model only:

Specifies that only the Header Section of the specified STEP file will be parsed and a STEP Header Model will be created and populated in EDMdatabase. No data model will be created when this option is set.

parse only:

The specified STEP file will be parsed only, i.e. only checked for syntactical correctness, no data will be stored in the EDMdatabase.

no string encoding:

Specifies that the actual STEP file has no encoding of STRING data values, hence no decoding will take place during the import operation. The ISO 10303-21 specifies that all characters in a STRING data type that have an ASCII value less than 32 or greater than 126 should be encoded in a STEP file and hence decoded when importing the STEP file into an EDMdatabase.

keep STEP identifiers:

A STEP Identifier model will be created and connected to the data model created by this operation. The STEP Identifier model will keep the correspondence between the STEP file entity instances and the EDM instanceID. The command Data>ShowStepIdentifier can be used to display the stepID corresponding to an EDM instanceID and vice versa.
The EDMmodelChecker can optionally output the stepID of failing instances on the validation report.

conformance class 1:

Enforce the file to be exported according to ISO 10303-21:1994/TC1 conformance class 1. Identification of the format is written to the Header Section of the resulting STEP file.
The options [conformance class 1], [conformance class 2] and [EDM private format] are mutually exclusive, i.e., only one of this options should be activated in one execution of the Data>Export Model command.

conformance class 2:

Enforce the file to be exported according to ISO 10303-21:1994/TC1 conformance class 2. Identification of the format is written to the Header Section of the resulting STEP file.
The options [conformance class 1], [conformance class 2] and [EDM private format] are mutually exclusive, i.e., only one of this options should be activated in one execution of the Data>Export Model command.

DIS version:

Overrules the mapping method given in the Header Section of the actual STEP file such that the STEP file will be interpret according to ISO 10303-21:1994/TC1 DIS version.
The options [conformance class 1], [conformance class 2] and [DIS version] are mutually exclusive, i.e., only one of this options should be activated in one execution of the Data>ImportModel command.

deleting existing model

Delete model with given name before operation, if it already exists.

add to existing model

The created instances will be added to the specified model, if it already exists.

user controlled inverse:

To safeguard consistency inverse attributes are set/updated implicitly by EDM, and users are prohibited from modifying such attributes. When this option is enabled, control of inverse attributes is left to the user/application.
This option is only effective when a new model is created during the import operation.

unpacked model:

Setting this option enables the model to operate in fragmented form – i.e. de-allocated space is not recovered. This setting may enable improved performance to the cost of more disc space usage. If this option is not set, the de-allocated space of the actual model will be recovered.
This option is only effective when a new model is created during the import operation.

no instance references:

No "instance references tables" will be created and maintained in the actual model. The built in function USEDIN will not work correctly on such models.
This option is only effective when a new model is created during the import operation.

delete instances with refs:

Setting this option will permit instances in the actual model to be deleted even though the instances are referenced by other instances, i.e., one or more other instances have one or more relations to the actual instance to be deleted. Instances that are referred to by any other instances cannot be deleted before all the references are deleted except when this option is set.
So-called dangling pointers is one of the results of deleting instances that are referenced by other instances.
This option is only effective when a new model is created during the import operation.

delete instance refs on delete:

The delete instance operation on instances in the actual model will be legal for instances with references. The references to the actual instances will automatically be deleted when the actual instance is deleted.
This option is only effective when a new model is created during the import operation.

log errors and warnings only:

Limits the log to only include logging of instances related to errors and warnings.

log to file:

Logged information will be stored in a file specified by the <Log file> argument.

log to stdout

Logged information will be displayed in EDMsupervisor output window.